Sweet Shell deal or Too Much Debt?
Price that we paid on the deal NOT Considering Debt is a fine deal however the debt will still loom. Also the Debt is VERY High this for me is scary and I cant jump for joy when things are uncertain. Honestly I dont believe APRU has Filed in Quite awhile and we have to hope there is no new debt that was incurred. Also Cleaning up the Company is more than words and will take time work and Cost us A lot of REAL Money to pay Accountants etc. Make No mistake about it we are in the selling stock business. This is another what should be full time business.
here is a link to the 8k
The Company (LVVV or APRU) does not even have to be Profitable to Provide us Value and is Providing said Value by Allowing LVVV to Operate and CONTROL the Profits. The Value is LVVV Operates FREE of Federal laws its all on APRU. That being said we have a HUGW Problem until this old Debt is paid for. If the company actually makes money before they make a deal on said debt then the value of the debt goes up as well and we will have to service it. Until a deal is made we owe them what it says we owe them and this Rapidly Changes things around here. Issuing More share than were already outstanding in APRU Should have Interesting Results the I Hub Boards seem positive on this news so thats good for the Time being.
Understanding the whole deal is VERY Important and Just how much Rushnet we own and whether or not they have a bunch of debt as well. Just how much of RSHN is Owned I am not to sure if APRU Owns Controlling interest or not.
The Price we pay to play??? Well the price in not so bad especially if it actually is 2 companies its basically 3.5 million shares I know its for 5 million total and 2.5 go to Bobby and 2.5 to APRU of which we only have to give up 40% of since we own 60% so its basically $490,000... Youll have to excuse the fact that I base My math of the price BEFORE we were connected to them. $490,000 + $50,000 is $540,000 Not bad if its 2 Shells.
Yea thats the part i just dont get and cant see a way out of..,. Hell the judge would not even let APRU go Bankrupt. Of course we can always Charge more to make the product or this or that and make the Money in LVVV as a line item Vs APRU etc but all the Wrangling is just not fun It would be REALLY Nice to know for sure just what we are paying for this deal?
Well there is still no answer and its Nice to say we will pay pennies on the dollar but we need to know just how many pennies and then to boot... Have you seen our Balance sheet? do we have the Pennies to do that so that may just be the Elephant in the room here and I at this Point have no clue what to say on this. I guess hold the course and wait for the market etc. If we do make any money in the meantime it is poddible that these Debt holders will be able to collect in FULL From US The LVVV And APRU Shareholder...;-)
High Hopes but Real Questions
I am NOT Selling and I have HIGH HOPES But I want some Real Answers put out there and would like to see this be as "Transparent" as we claim LVVV is!
If I were a Debt holder and I looked up the I HUB Board or saw the Posting etc I would POUNCE NOW while the Share Price is low etc If we are going to own the house we have to actually clean it up and to do that we have to know what we owe and what we are paying and if we can afford it. This MUST be addressed and The shares cannot ever be the Powerhouses the Should unless We Release the PRs we say we will and are able to present deals that a CLEAR! If the Tone of this makes you angry or anything I am NOT sorry Figure out these answers and Get people to call me with different things to say and I will write about that.
Go LVVV and Hope to see you in the Winners Circle
On the other hand there sure have been some cheap prices that may just be buying Opportunities! Do your research and Keep a Close Eye on LVVV!
What about Apru Well they are UP 1400% or so on NOTHING and they are going to serve as a Shell with no possibility of making money since LVVV will be Making it all. I am NOT saying APRU will go down but The REAL Play here would Be LVVV which will get you in Owning Both Companies and 1 Degree farther from the Debt. Of course there are many ways to invest I am LONG term and Short i am sure there will be ups and downs..;-)
It also needs to be explained to the shareholder just how this company will report and if LVVV shareholder will get shares in APRU or if it will be a LVVV owned Company? This is all coming though its just important to Dig and ask questions i guess. and thats what i see happening. So in the end I am sure the company is getting all the info the need Send them Email at
[email protected]
There is HUGE Value here and Bill sees it More than We do since he can See the Whole Picture in My Mind I am NOT a Seller Im a HOLDER and Maker of Money...;-) Give Bill time to Work the Deal and Finalize things Before We Talk crap!!! I believe in LVVV and Await the Best of News!