7 Day Probiotic Website launch!

7 Day Probiotic is a Stand alone Product!

Stock Gambles a Nathan Wratislaw Company |
7 Day Probiotic Website launch!Livewire Ergogenics is the Company and LVVV is the Stock Ticker. Things have been Quite and it seems there is good reason! WOW Things are heating up a bit it would seem 2 New Flavors of the NEW Livewire Probiotic has hit the Market last week and it would seem that because Investors want information so badly (and rightfully so) That sometimes the product launch may not be complete and Livewire works out the kinks a bit as they go. This new Website is HOT and I believe they Can, Should and Will chase down the market for a Kids Probiotic ![]() Here is a Great Article on Probiotics by Dr. Judy Staveley. This is a Great read on Probiotics and Good Bacteria Dr. Judy is a a Expert in the field..... Click the Button Below!
7 Day Probiotic is a Stand alone Product!That's right as per the company. Yes LVVV makes many Products and has Many business Interests But this one is a Stand Alone Brand and should be pretty Interesting to see how it fits in the Mix. Make sure and visit the website today for yourself! www.7dayprobiotic.com ![]() Thanks for Reading and Check out some of My New Websites And Hemp Products By clicking the picture Above..;-)
New Strainer Show Variety Hangout in full swing next weekThats Right From My Main Channel cerealmarshmallows I have Branched off a New Channel cannabisstrainer You are welcome to Subscribe to both of them. Maybe you saw the First G+Hangout with Myself and Jesse Trying Very Hard to make it all work and learn exactly how to use the software etc. Well Although I have used YouTube livestream a Bunch on My Cerealmarshmallows Channel the G+ side of things id Different and A LOT different when you consider A Bunch of people learning together..LOL It was a Blast and we had a Half a Dozen people stop by and really help us out it was fun in a Sweating your Ass off cause nothing is going right sort of way..;-) Click Below for the FUNNY & Embarrassing Video of out first Attemot and Hangouts on Air by Google (It gets better and we DID get some Good Stock input and I made a separate Video of that) This was the bad one LOL The other one may be just as bad on our ened BUT we got answers...;-) It will Be out in next 24 hours!Livewire adds a Shopify Store App to Facebook!You can Now Purchase he 7 Day Probiotic Direct from the Livewire Ergogenics facebook page. I hope to see new Products Added soon... However it remains to be seen if ANY Social Media will be able to work for Livewire Ergo because no matter if its a Investor or a Customer No one takes the time or energy to Follow and be a part of the Companies Facebook pages. If each investor in Livewire would simply Share ANY Post or picture from The Companies pages or give them a "Like" everyday it would be a BOOM to the Sales of Livewire Energy!!!! It is not all on the clients and Investors though I have seen it come and Go in waves over the last year or so and I believe the Company lost out on a Lot of media by simply Not Interacting with people on Facebook like they should have... As a matter of fact its amazing how many people "Like" the page and how few "Likes" they get on Posts picture etc. Anyway you look at it this is a neat addition to the facebook page and just another instance of Management getting the products out there and trying to sell them in all the areas possible. Actually this Backs up the 10K Report of doing MORE online sales! There is positive news on Livewires Buyout of APRU. SOME of the APRU Investors are actually Promoting the Livewire Products as well now and this makes me VERY Happy to say the least! The Past Shady Management and Debt and Any of the issues that are out ther are actually NOT the biggest problem facing APRU it is the Investors of either company Accepting the deal. I believe that Apple Rush CAN be a Viable company and unlike RSHN which is now becoming more of a coin toss in the fountain as the end of the year nears.... APRU has had some work put in and is a Much better company because of it. We shalle see where it goes the sad thing is there is still likely far to fall considering a reverse Split that will be needed to loosen up shares scare out some debt and Shore up the Company! This in mind it is scary but one to watch and one that is in a Entirely different position than it was.... My Point of this?.... Well as more of the share holder bind together and get to know the other company as well the deal will get beter faster. Having Shareholder sit around coming up with off the wall things like going to $5.... Or.... Someone needs to Buy Bill out... Or... Do you think we will get a PR today is mostly just Morons with a few hundred bucks worth of stock unfortunatly they have nothing better to do than Publicly show they just dont understand life in general... I believe that we will see products from this company. I do believe that the are working on things they said it is obvious wih the filed papers. In the livestream you will notice Tony's answer to a question about APRU... It seems like he wants to say more but just legally cannot.... Hmmmm Intersting Stuff... NO A launch of Apple Rush Juice will NOT send this to the moon and there are literally HUNDREDS of companies that Launch new products every week around the works... Anyone with a few grand and a Pipe Dream can also Launch their product... It may cause some movement and it should...But just the kind that you should be ready to MOVE on if you own it... There are A Lot of issues going on that APRU will need to get under control and soon.... Treading water is its best Option right now it would seem..;-) I was also asked why I hate APRU so much and gave everyone a Great Answer for that. Make sure and check back later as I will be adding Content to this channel many times a week. Also if you want to grab a headset and Mic and we will have you jump on board...;-)
Tony Torgerud BACK Thursday Night!We will be making up for the Botched Learning process on Thursday Night and Tony will be back for another show!!
I will be releasing these Videos on the New YouTube Channel Cannabisstrainer. Also if you would Like to join I will be doing a Livestream On My Main Channel cerealmarshmallows Click the Link Below to Visit or ADD me on Facebook to find out times etc..;-) New Products & Deals & Contracts. have Changed what I can & can't do. Lately you may or may Not have Noticed there are not as many Blogs coming up here and not so many pages being added. This is Because I have had MANY Deals Happening and There are things that have required my attention in other businesses. I have launched the websites www.privatelabelherbals.com and www.cansoup.com which you can visit now by typing them in your Browser or clicking the Logos Below. There are deals I am working on with Not 1 Not 2 not 3 but 4 Companies right now in many different deals that I cannot talk about at this time. One is a Tv Show and may give Unique Visibility for Livewire and My Marshmallow Business... We shall see in the coming weeks. I will say I have a Few Products Ready to be Packaged and if You watch My Facebook Page & Add me I will be Giving out some Free Samples of My Hemp Based.... Awww I can't tell you what it is that's a Surprise..;-) But I will be Offering it this week to all who see it..;-) http://www.facebook.com/cerelmarshmallows
Research LVVV and Others... This Time of Year is Prime Buyers Market! So to recap Just so you are "in the loop" I am NOT giving Up on Livewire or any other. Quite the reverse.. Some of the deals I am working on may even benefit Livewire with more Channels Promoting them and a Few more things in the works etc. However I may be limited to how much I can Promote ANY other companies one of these deals is to host a Show... We shall see..;-) Even though I don't have a lot to say right now on stocks... It just because I am Really busy not much to say that other have not said already and its a Long game I think You will like what I have coming this time.. Good Luck on all your investments talk soon..;-)
Livewire is Now a CBD SupplierCBD is a HUGE Industry and it is a Problematic one at that. In the USA right now there is really only 1 supplier.. MJNA they have the Highest Quality CBD Extract Available on the market. Seriously No one beat Medicinal Marijuana INC when it comes to CBD... Well thats cause no one ever had enough to do anything with... It seems that has now changed. According to a New PR Jut released Livewire Ergogenics (LVVV) will now be in the CBD Manufacturing Business.
Lu'an Kaixuan Hemp Company Ltd in Anhui Province China.New Partner in China for Livewire Energy Chews Bill Hodson has struck a deal with a Major Hemp Grower in China and will now be Producing a CBD Hemp Oil. This is HUGE news in the Legal Hemp Market. At first glance... Yeah lots of places make CBD Products and Sell for a HUGE Price... Problem is you can buy from a Medicinal Supplier for as much as 95% less.. It is INSANE the Markup that MJNA is making on their RSHO. Do the math MJNA get about $600 for 2.1 or 2.4 Grams of CBD in their 21% or 24% I forget.. Either way that amount medicinally is only around $10 to $20 WOW $15 Avg vs $599 AMAZING Markup. Most ANY of the CBD Products out there now Arguably have virtually NO Medicinal Value due to using Amounts of CBD FAR Below the norm and Skimping Due to High cost.I have long Blogged about the Hemp Shortage and availability of Good Quality CBD Oil Extract. This is one of the Major things holding back this industry.... I would have had a CBD Product LONG ago if not for this simple but HUGE issue.. As CBD Becomes more Widely Available it will come down in Cost Dramatically an be more usable like Hemp Oil. This will be great since then people will be able to reap the Medicinal and Nutritional Benifits of CBD without Robbing a bank. Wholesale Herbal & Hemp Oil Private Label Website Relaunched!Private Label Herbals Website Relaunched Last Night! I have been Knee deep in Cars... yes Knee Deep and I still am. Herbal Product are what I do and I will make you ANY Nautraceutical Product Private Label and Custom Manufactured to your Specifications. Buy Your Custom Made Products now! Wholesale and Bulk Capsules, Powders, Vape Oils, Hemp Protein, CBD, Whey Protein, Herbals and Vitamins in ANY form Wholesale for your Business (Click the Picture Below for More on Private Label Herbals) Is LVVV Stock a Buy now??No clue that's your job.... Its been a Ride that's for sure and it is in a range now where people can go either way and hopefully NOT lose too much.. At the same time all of the hanging on and waiting have been for a announcement just like this... I will comment more on this later I am sure..;-) ANY way you look at it this Chinese CBD deal is HUGE news for LVVV and should be interesting to see what happens as the news makes its rounds for the next few weeks. CBD Production in China is the next logical step here in this Fiasco that is American Legalization.
LiveWire Ergogenics (LVVV) Freebies at Vitamin Shoppe (VSI)FREE Energy Drink Substitute Livewire Energy Chews Available at Vitamin Shoppe And Premium Retailers Nationwide. ANYONE can get FREE Livewire Energy 1 Day only along with a FREE Hat Shirt and Misc Products! Stockholders, Distributors, Customers or just those in the know This is a Easy Freebie..;-) Click the Logo Below for More info and Freebies from LivewireWill LVVV or ANY Particular Stock Ticker have a good 10Q?A good 10Q huh WOW Now that's a good one you have a Crystal Ball?? There really is just no way to know there are far too many variables. Not only that other things may also pressure a stock like the Overall market of Who knows?? I am looking at one of My Larger holdings wondering this Exact same thing.. And Really I dunno. It really sucks to stand out from the crowd and be looking at things rationally... However with this particular Stock the 10Q could be Very Mixed to say the least... As a Matter of fact I wholly Expect a NT-10Q from Livewire Ergogenics (LVVV) and possibly Apple Rush (APRU) it just Depends on what they put on the Quarter Reports and what they save for the Yearly Report..;-) I have had a VERY Long approach with LVVV Stock and had I been more of a "Trader" I would be up a Heck of A Lot more right now thats for sure. That said with all that Livewire Ergogenics seems to have going on as of late it seems like it is a STEAL! I would NEVER tell someone Buy this Stock or anything of the sorts... However LVVV Stock deserves to be looked into at least..;-) New deals should Add Revenue!There are MANY New deals that have been struck There have been reports. It is still not known to us just what will be finished and on these Quarterly Reports & What will be left for the Yearly but we have seen that there have been some Massive Changes that should be very interesting to see the result of. I am sure of 1 thing.. There will likely be something in there someone will hate. The APRU Stock Takeover of 2013Apple Rush and RushNet Or APRU and RSHN Whether you like the deal or not... It happened and is "Official" now no 2 ways about it. APRU is By no means a DONE deal. There was Massive Debt that had to be Exchanged for New Convertible Debt. We still do NOT know what this actually cost APRU. We know people were throwing around the Numbers .05 cents or .10 cents on the Dollar. I believe if this were the case we would have already known. Bill Promised this would be taken care of BEFORE the deal was official.. As any Business would. We have NOT heard how much for and I do NOT believe a deal was reached for anywhere near .05 cents on the Dollar. Were talking about many Millions in Debt here this Amount being LOW would be a HUGE PR so you can bet your last Nickel it was Not a Nickle. This Final Number will play on the Price of APRU at some point it would seem. It will have to be figured in somehow for APRU Hanging in Limbo Right Now APRU is just hanging in Limbo and NOT releasing ANY of the Information and I really wonder if this will change with the 10Q. Sure there is Information we would Like to know and there is ever Information that they Could Share.. We have no clue what will be in those reports though... There are many thing that they will be able to hold off until the 10K... Let me say that Again. Many Things may NOT show up in the 10Q for LVVV or APRU. Yup.... Makes me sick to think we could have to wait even Longer but that is a for SURE Possibility!! Not that this is bad in the Long term of things but it could cause a shakeout of more weak Investors etc. LVVV of course Files Quarterly 10Q Reports and Annual 10K Reports like any Public non pink company. With this in mind there are MANY Different Accounting Practices and Ways of doing things. I am starting to think that this just be the case here and we will be waiting 3-6 Months longer to know the Many things we would like to know. All in all i expect a Overall Positive 10Q and I cant wait to do some reading. What about RushNet (RSHN)Indeed.. What about them... We hope they can get something done for them. However the Clock is Ticking and it is happening fast. For Rushnet to even keep a Publicly Traded Status they must come up with $40,000 by the end of the year there is MUCH that can be said on this. And there is MUCH that NEEDS to be done. However the "Rush" to talk about this one can wait for Now... Even though there is Great Need at RSHN It is Unlikely that much can be done at the Present.. APRU will likely get Funds first and of course LVVV and Adia Nutrition (ADIA). It would be Most likely the Work and the Funds will Support LVVV and APRU Before it can be spread out to ADIA and RSHN. No matter how you slice it though Bill has a Lot of Irons in the Fire and its getting warm.. Huge things ahead I am hoping..;-) Thanks for reading and make sure and research LVVV if you have not.. If you have well Keep a eye on it.;-) Make sure and check out all the New Livewire Energy Chews Videos & Ad's on the NEW Subscriber Website. Click the Can Soup Logo below
Pumpers, Dumpers, Liars Hurt LVVVStockI have sent A Lot of people to look at LVVV ADIS APRU and RSHN Stocks Among others. LVVV is My Favorite of My holdings and the one I work on the Most. There is a HUGE Problem of Pumpers & Dumpers here though and I want to put out this Alert and Warning so people are in the know... Be CAREFUL!! It matters NONE where You go... I hear People Talk Crap about Yahoo Finance Investors Hub, Investors Hangout The Motley Fool on an on.. Its NOT the Websites that are the problem nor will they Ever be. I LOVE reading Investors Hub and Seeking Alpha. It is important however to take some things as a grain of sand. If you latch onto just ANYTHING that ANYONE Posts and take it as truth you are only sitting yourself up for failure! Investors hub and these other places are GREAT Places but the post are just like anything ONLY Opinions or sometimes Lies to Pump or Bash for personal reasons. As with ANYTHING in Life it is Important to be on your toes and Verify Verify Verify!!!! The Pumping Pricks are back... But wait there's MORE.. They are Pumping ADIA this time! If you were a Dentist wouldent you make sure that you didnt hurt people with Shots? And If you were a Drug Doctor and you counted Pills into a Bottle for a Living. Would you not do your best to make sure that people got the Correct Pills instead of Giving someone a upper instead of Heart Medicine?? Of Course you would. MOST people are pretty Honest and do not enjoy Lying and Misleading people and truthfully we are all FAR to Trusting in life. There are about a Half a Dozen Investors that will do ANYTHING and say ANYTHING just to get a 10% 50% even 100% Pump so they can sell and start over. The main Ones getting these Toxic Pumps right now are ADIA and APRU ADIA has been taken into like CRAZY this weekend. The main person doing this pump does the same things over and over profiting on you. He has worked his way through every stock in the Family of LVVV Brands and many others as well. I used to know this Lying Shill but have since Blocked him from all my Sites I could... The guy is Toxic and a Liar in every meaning of the word! The Latest ploy is to Claim we can order ADIA Products on the ADIA Website... This person KNOWS this is NOT True and Will NOT help the stock.. He tried this before and we had to call Tony verify this prick was full of shit and go on damage control.... Once agaon its the same deal DO NOT ORDER ADIA PRODUCTS THEY ARE NOT AVAILABLE YET!!!! The website is simply being set up and should work when the company is ready to start making products again.\ For now ADIA does NOT make anything again yet and is just treading water sitting on a Shelf... There is Nothing to Hype when there is Information the Company will make a Formal Announcement As of now the DO NOT want people ordering from the Website It will only cause issues for them and waste time. Thats the sad thing these pumpers are just wasting everyones time and making pennies while the suck in anyone who believes their lies. These "Investors" Turns my stomach... Really This main Prick runs around spreading Lies and False information Buying and Selling the Stock Scalping EVERYTHING He touches. The sad thing is people are STARVING for Information and will believe anything they are told and people like this are scum of the earth taking advantage of these Poor Souls! I want Badly for My Stocks to Go up and to profit on them... However I am not going to falsely run them up so I can Profit like these scalper do. If ADIA were up and Running Bill would Announce!!!I mean REALLY Come On... There is no way that Bill would get ADIA Up and Running Squared away and be Silent about it...LOL It is pathetic to Promote things that are not true.... When ADIA is Ready you will hear a Announcement along with Investors talking about it.. As it is Now it is a Obvious Pump!! These Lies are the WORST Thing for LVVV People who Buy into these Illicit Pumps expecting the Information is true will only feel Burned and as this Rogue Investor runs around to all the Stock boards Pilfering Investors for LVVV and APRU now to his New Hyped ADIA. It is Sick and I wish more people understood and called him on it. I will not just stand by while this Scalping Savage tries to take down LVVV again for his on personal gain! Be careful out there!! If you are Interested in some High Quality Probiotics then Email Tony at [email protected] They DO have Limited Producs like 2 of the 7 No chews but they have some stuff. I know MANY People LOVE these Products!! Multiple Versions of SAME Lies!!LOL...Yup they are too lazy to even dream up a New Pump... It was Claimed when these Investors Crossed in ADIA these SAME Claims Product is for sale, Paypal is working etc etc etc Even going as far as to take some washed up Video that has been out there for almost 2 and a Half years claiming it is a NEW Video.. LOL It's OLD and honestly should be taken down its Embarrassing to say the least... 360 hits or so in 2 and a half years... And Most have came from these last 2 Pumps. That ADIA video got less hits in around 2.5 years than most uploads get in 3 to 6 hours... I doubt new management can even log into that account ADIA Has been and IS in a holding pattern for a LONG time even Previous Management expects nothing soon. Someday LVVV may be able to make a go of it AFTER they take care of APRU and RSHN... But thats FAR down the Road and as Hot headed as Previous Management is over there I really Expect a Shipwreak just as easily as a deal. Here is a Video about Shell companies like ADIA & APRUThere are MANY Reasons Bill and Tony Do NOT own ADIA Stock... Heck I dont even think LVVV Owns and... APRU and RSHN are of MUCH greater Importance thats for sure because LVVV actually owns a Stake in them! A HUGE Stake!..;-)
ADIA is in a holding pattern and although I am NOT commenting on its value in this article. ADIA has a VERY low Outstanding share count and is a Interesting stock. I like ADIA in fact I like the entore basket that Bill Hodson is working on. However its Important to remember most of these companys ADIA RSHN APRU are like Beat Up Rusty old Project cars and will take time to get running again! For now NOTHING HAS HAPPENED LATELY EXCEPT WITH LVVV STOCK!!!!! Tony Simply added the website to the New Livewire Ergogenics Website and it looks good... This is just a Link though NOTHING HAS CHANGED!! Be a Cowboy & LOOK OUT FOR SCALPERS!! How Series C and Preferred Shares are used in OTC Companies.Float increases Although NOT as important as Outstanding share Counts and Shares that are actually Issued. They do stand out to a guy! Whats gonna happen WHY the Increase etc. Hands down there can be MANY reasons why this can happen and with a OTC ticker even if it's NOT a Pink Sheet stock there is NOT usually much News. Some Companies really try and Connect and Give their Reasons and such Others just Slap it on as the see fit and others Yet seem to Bring the "Iffy" News at the Times when you were hoping for a Rally. Companies with series C or most Any "Special" Class of shares will come with "Special" Voting rights on the Stock that make a Regular shareholders vote not a concern anyways. These are not truly Public companies they are in a Iron Grip of a few people and this is a Known fact going in. The hope is... Well You get your own hopes up... It is good to know its NOT all bad with lot's of companies. No way to spin it!These shares have NOT been Issued they are just available if need be. However when they are issued restricted of not they count to the Outstanding shares. Yeah a Investor can talk about it being "Locked up" or say that they will not count because the company will only trade them as Restricted. Well Stone the messenger here but that does not matter one bit. I feel it is Important as a Investor to figure your holdings from a TRUE Value perspective and I guess the point here is this NO NEW SHARES WERE ISSUED! The Available share count was raised by 33% The Previous Shares added Value! Shell Company Issue Shares Reverse Split Merger Buyout A/S O/S Video below Check it Out!
Previous Shares used for Asset PurchaseIn the case on Livewire Ergogeics or Livewire Energy Chews We know for a fact that they are changing the Available Shares Partly due to Major Purchases and Partnerships they have started This & Last Quarter. We knew they would have to increase this Number soon as the had already has 134 of 150 Issued and the APRU deal to boot so they were almost maxed out. There is at least the need for a bit of a buffer and According to many ways of thinking this was needed. Hempwire deal & othersThe Hempwire deal used up some of the last shares as did the APRU deal You can see the disclosures for that in the MJNA 10Q released earlier this month. these deals will Grow the bottom line and Asset value of LVVV and to Boot this deal with Medical Marijuana is Very Important to long term sale of CBD to Livewire I think MJNA is the #1 way to go in Quality Hemp Oil! The APRU / RSHN deal should also add to the Bottom Line Asset value of LVVV starting this Quarter. This has not showed up before and with APRU leveling out down towards a real Value its a GREAT Sign and once some of the Convertible Debt (Old & New) is shaken out over the Next year or so it should start being a good asset for Livewire and Interesting on its own I would think. Even the people who Own APRU Stock now know they are only in it Short to medium Term. and it's because they also know there is a Reverse Split coming and just like the Noteholders many of them will abandon ship as well. Only time will scrub this Asset and although some "Fluffy" PR's May be coming out I look for there not to be much in the way of earnings at APRU anytime soon.... Why in the Heck would they Entice Convertible Noteholders to stay? In any Takeover in control the Goal i to shake any other debt and increase value. If it works LONG term Investors will Profit if not it will just hang and wait for the next "Deal" where LVVV can Profit Another way... They have MANY Irons in the Fire! APRU will add lot's of Value once Managements plan comes full circle. Buy LVVV Livewire Energy Chews Stock Commercial Funny Clown VideoThis Commercial began Playing on Sunday and will continue through August. Clown is crazy for Livewire Energy Chews. Check out the stock ticker and see what he is talking about or check out my website for more info on ordering or becoming a distributor. Thank You for watching and please Share MORE Commercials on the New Website Below Make sure and Check it Out!Click the Cansoup Logo below to see more..;-) Wild Rides are the most fun sometimes!Pick Your Horse.... Buy a Saddle... Go riding!
I Hope you enjoy the article.. ADD me on Facebook www.facebook.com/cerealmarshmallows Subscribe on YouTube http://www.YouTube.com/user/cerealmarshmallows Add me on Instagram! http://www.instagram.com/cerealmarshmallows Good Luck in ALL your Investing I wish you the best in ALL that you do! Cheers, Nathan Wratislaw LVVV or Livewire Energy Commercial hits the air!That's right YouTube and Google Targeted Adwords for now. Also We are Embedding it on some other Websites that are Relevant. This is a Great Commercial and There are more "Storylines" Coming along with a contest soon for You to submit Your Script ideas. Make sure and Visit Can Soup there are actually A Lot of LVVV Ads being Uploaded there and they are also the Newest online seller of LiveWire Energy Online! I look forward to seeing Everyone's Unique Marketing Ideas carried out as Subscribers and Distributors and Clients on Lvewire Ergogenics send in their picks!
Click the CanSoup logo above to see the New Livewire Energy Chews Commercial Video. Feel free to Explore there will be A Lot on Cansoup.com ;-)
I Hope you enjoy the article.. You can visit My Websites:
http://www.1ownercarguy.com http://www.cerealmarshmallows.com http://www.Beaglespocket.com http://www.ClickWebs.com http://www.oneownercaarguy.com http://www.Hardener.com http://www.missoulaautoauction.com http://www.vita-depot.com http://www.Nathanwratislaw.com http://www.carekleen.com http://www.shotsenergy.com http://www.greycongo.com http://www.tinybeagles.com http://www.stockgambles.com And of course.. Many more from there.. ;-) ADD me on Facebook www.facebook.com/cerealmarshmallows Subscribe on YouTube http://www.YouTube.com/user/cerealmarshmallows Add me on Instagram!http://www.instagram.com/cerealmarshmallows Good Luck in ALL your Investing I wish you the best in ALL that you do! Cheers, Nathan Wratislaw Sexy Super Girls w/ Livewire Energy Chews!San Diego Comic Con... How much fun was that? Well it was a Blast I did NOT buy a Ticket and go in I just walked around about 8 Square Blocks of Traffic and People in Blocked off Streets. There was All sorts of Dress Up people in full Cosplay Costumes. SOME May have even Been REAL Super Hero's (See Supergirl & Wonder Woman below) So many People Got Livewire AND we got some New Livewire Girls More Later on My NEW Website this week! Also See the Short Preview Video Below as well ;-) There is a Few Slideshows and Pics Below and Me and Dad had a BLAST... Well Until we got Busted that is... (see below) San Diego Gaslamp Comic Con PicturesThe Town was just almost at a Complete Stop. San Diego Comic Con sure has Grown over the years!!
All fun and Games till you get your Ass Pulled over in the Crowd!!Comic Con 2014 VideoAt the San Diego Comic Con I got All sorts of Pictures and Video. I will be Uploading as much Video as I have later BUT in the meanwhile I have a Awesome Google Glass Preview Video Below!
NEW Website and Brand New Commercials This WEEK for Livewire Energy Chews!!The site will be live by Monday sometime and I will place a Link here OR go Ahead and Add me on Facebook..;-) THIS IS GOING TO BE HUGE!!!! |
Nathan WratislawNathan Wratislaw AKA 1 Owner Car Guy is a Business Owner that Likes to be as Innovative as possible you can find A Lot of My different Businesses under My other websites tab or click a link I have them Everywhere.;-) Cheers Nathan Wratislaw AKA 1 Owner Car Guy Archives
April 2015