Pumpers, Dumpers, Liars Hurt LVVVStock
It matters NONE where You go... I hear People Talk Crap about Yahoo Finance Investors Hub, Investors Hangout The Motley Fool on an on.. Its NOT the Websites that are the problem nor will they Ever be. I LOVE reading Investors Hub and Seeking Alpha. It is important however to take some things as a grain of sand. If you latch onto just ANYTHING that ANYONE Posts and take it as truth you are only sitting yourself up for failure! Investors hub and these other places are GREAT Places but the post are just like anything ONLY Opinions or sometimes Lies to Pump or Bash for personal reasons. As with ANYTHING in Life it is Important to be on your toes and Verify Verify Verify!!!!
The Pumping Pricks are back... But wait there's MORE.. They are Pumping ADIA this time!
ADIA has been taken into like CRAZY this weekend. The main person doing this pump does the same things over and over profiting on you. He has worked his way through every stock in the Family of LVVV Brands and many others as well. I used to know this Lying Shill but have since Blocked him from all my Sites I could... The guy is Toxic and a Liar in every meaning of the word!
The Latest ploy is to Claim we can order ADIA Products on the ADIA Website... This person KNOWS this is NOT True and Will NOT help the stock.. He tried this before and we had to call Tony verify this prick was full of shit and go on damage control.... Once agaon its the same deal DO NOT ORDER ADIA PRODUCTS THEY ARE NOT AVAILABLE YET!!!! The website is simply being set up and should work when the company is ready to start making products again.\
For now ADIA does NOT make anything again yet and is just treading water sitting on a Shelf... There is Nothing to Hype when there is Information the Company will make a Formal Announcement
As of now the DO NOT want people ordering from the Website It will only cause issues for them and waste time. Thats the sad thing these pumpers are just wasting everyones time and making pennies while the suck in anyone who believes their lies.
I want Badly for My Stocks to Go up and to profit on them... However I am not going to falsely run them up so I can Profit like these scalper do.
If ADIA were up and Running Bill would Announce!!!
These Lies are the WORST Thing for LVVV People who Buy into these Illicit Pumps expecting the Information is true will only feel Burned and as this Rogue Investor runs around to all the Stock boards Pilfering Investors for LVVV and APRU now to his New Hyped ADIA. It is Sick and I wish more people understood and called him on it. I will not just stand by while this Scalping Savage tries to take down LVVV again for his on personal gain! Be careful out there!!
If you are Interested in some High Quality Probiotics then Email Tony at [email protected] They DO have Limited Producs like 2 of the 7 No chews but they have some stuff. I know MANY People LOVE these Products!!
Multiple Versions of SAME Lies!!
Even going as far as to take some washed up Video that has been out there for almost 2 and a Half years claiming it is a NEW Video.. LOL It's OLD and honestly should be taken down its Embarrassing to say the least... 360 hits or so in 2 and a half years... And Most have came from these last 2 Pumps.
That ADIA video got less hits in around 2.5 years than most uploads get in 3 to 6 hours... I doubt new management can even log into that account ADIA Has been and IS in a holding pattern for a LONG time even Previous Management expects nothing soon.
Someday LVVV may be able to make a go of it AFTER they take care of APRU and RSHN... But thats FAR down the Road and as Hot headed as Previous Management is over there I really Expect a Shipwreak just as easily as a deal.
Here is a Video about Shell companies like ADIA & APRU
ADIA is in a holding pattern and although I am NOT commenting on its value in this article. ADIA has a VERY low Outstanding share count and is a Interesting stock. I like ADIA in fact I like the entore basket that Bill Hodson is working on. However its Important to remember most of these companys ADIA RSHN APRU are like Beat Up Rusty old Project cars and will take time to get running again! For now NOTHING HAS HAPPENED LATELY EXCEPT WITH LVVV STOCK!!!!!
Tony Simply added the website to the New Livewire Ergogenics Website and it looks good... This is just a Link though NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!