Livewire Energy Chews Stock Review & News by Nathan Wratislaw
I believe Livewire Energy Chews has a Great Product they have GREAT Packaging and A Tasty range of Flavors. There are some other Energy Chews out there But nothing on this level and with this sort of Nationwide Distribution I think they are set to really "Come Of Age" As a Company! Now Full disclosure I have LOST 9% to 18% on this Investment as i type But I actually bought my first Purchase of about $400 worth at .23 cents a share or so. WOW LOL I thought it was a neat company then and I knew it was Very Volatile But I still just had to Be into this Stock! After this Fun Fact Below I will Really get down to the Bone and Tell You why i think this is SUCH a HOT Stock!!
Why is Livewire such a HOT product and AMAZING Stock Deal? Well on this site I will give you Quite a Few reasons and all sorts of News Quotes and Links that support my Research and opinion
I have shown myself Buying this stock many times I do believe in it and I do hold around 100,000 Shares. Now I wish I could say i bought it all at rock Bottom and am a Bawler and Shot caller but to be honest I am down 8.65% as a Whole on My Investment. So what can I do but buy more LOL..;-) Anyways enjoy this site I will host My reviews of the product and Pictures and Give you important links as well Make sure and Check out LVVV Stock it may just be the ride of your life! Remember it is a Stock it CAN lose Value It Can Disappear and You do NOT want to Invest Money you need to pay Rent EVER! so Be safe Be sane Bet only what you can Afford to lose and Always Study & Research..;-) Cheers Nathan Wratislaw AKA 1 Owner Car Guy Click the Button Below to see More about Livewire Energy |