7 Day Probiotic Website launch!

7 Day Probiotic is a Stand alone Product!

Stock Gambles a Nathan Wratislaw Company |
7 Day Probiotic Website launch!Livewire Ergogenics is the Company and LVVV is the Stock Ticker. Things have been Quite and it seems there is good reason! WOW Things are heating up a bit it would seem 2 New Flavors of the NEW Livewire Probiotic has hit the Market last week and it would seem that because Investors want information so badly (and rightfully so) That sometimes the product launch may not be complete and Livewire works out the kinks a bit as they go. This new Website is HOT and I believe they Can, Should and Will chase down the market for a Kids Probiotic ![]() Here is a Great Article on Probiotics by Dr. Judy Staveley. This is a Great read on Probiotics and Good Bacteria Dr. Judy is a a Expert in the field..... Click the Button Below!
7 Day Probiotic is a Stand alone Product!That's right as per the company. Yes LVVV makes many Products and has Many business Interests But this one is a Stand Alone Brand and should be pretty Interesting to see how it fits in the Mix. Make sure and visit the website today for yourself! www.7dayprobiotic.com ![]() Thanks for Reading and Check out some of My New Websites And Hemp Products By clicking the picture Above..;-)
APRU is a Catacomb of Debt and Clauses or PreferencesIn the OTC market as we all know it does not take long to run across a company that is Not so Up front and Honest about what it is doing or its intent. APRU was one of these companies and Previous Management ran it so far into the ground there was not even a market for APRU till just a short few months ago. When Previous Management left they even took All of the Money from the deal and 80% of the Stock that was traded for the deal as well leaving APRU with a small fraction of the sales price. When LVVV made this deal it was known there was debt and Super Preferred Shares and All sorts of things to get in line and MANY Filings to place in order. A LOT of work to say the least. Now partway along with their plan it is becoming quite the thing to consider as the RSHN deal now comes into light as well. For Livewire APRU is a Bottom line Value coming soon.Yes there will be a Value added to LVVV's Bottom line in the coming 10Q due the Getting so much APRU Stock. It should be interesting to see to say the least. To see how a deal like this works you can look to HEMP or FITX and see how they Run their Subsidiaries. Its a Great setup and will limit Livewire's Exposure when making CBD & Medicinal Marijuana Products. Having a Subsidiary especially a Publicly traded one will offer many Perks for Sure. and YES at some Point APRU will also be a Cleaned up company that just may be a pretty Good investment for LVVV. So far Bill could Already sell for much more than he paid and also There is now Opportunity on the Horizon for APRU as New Product are Unveiled and the New Subsidiary is Brought back to life. He I believe in the Deal I believe in APRU i just Believe in the Values that I have stated and will restate below..;-) However at this Point You will not hear all that Much out of me about it Please read on and see why NOW is the Time to Research LVVV and do what you think you should!
$5 Million Dollars LVVV Holds EXTRA in APRU StockWOW $5 Million dollars extra... Now LVVV already took $5 Million worth in the first half of these Super Preferred shares. This leaves the 5 Million more shares Worth $1.00 each and Convertible at 20% below market price of APRU stock. You can figure these shares Either as $5 Million or as $6 Million in shares either way works Where is the Bottom on this APRU SinkholeWell the Bottom is most Obviously .0001 for this Stock however with so many Billions of shares out there we also know that there is most likely a Reverse Split coming. This makes for a VERY hard to judge Stock price and Will Cost LVVV and APRU dearly when serious OTC Investors look at the Company. Even at these Levels The APRU Market cap is Nearly $9 Million Still More than 50% more than LVVV's Less than $6 Million... Totally A total Farse. APRU Has a Outstanding Convertibles and Preferred Share that it owes around $6 Million in Debt or Diluted Shares Depending on how you want to figure it. A Reverse Split is Needed for APRU to Protect against Market Makers, Defend against Naked Shorting and Chase the Pumpers out of the Stock. Make No mistake about it this Reverse Split s coming. Make no mistake about it... Previous APRU Management Ruined APRU value and left it out in a field. Then LVVV bought APRU as a Project car NOT a Daily Driver... They already had that or would not have been looking for a Fixer Upper Company like APRU. At the end of the day There is Still a LONG ways for APRU to fall so use Caution but I would Def be Keeping a Eye on ALL the Tickers.
Almost all I have said would happen has happened.I have spoke Candidly about the APRU deal since the start. I have NOT been 100% on board about the way the company handled it in any way! My Blog and websites list all this out over the entire timeline. If you are on the I hub boards its easy to see who does not like me now. LOL Sure is funny I think... They did but just had to be dishonest and try and take advantage of any Investor who looked at the APRU tickers. Its only a few people but Oddly enough they are the ones who scalped LVVV and ran over and Bought APRU. Those people are made because they lost their Ass trying to Pump and Dump APRU. I am glad they lost their Ass I sold and I talked Truth about where the deal was. That is the only way to be about it and that's for sure! Any others are People who were sitting on stack and stack of APRU shares and selling them to the Suckers who came over from LVVV. At the end of the day There is Still a LONG ways for APRU to fall I have long said it would be down to .0002 and that's where it went. I have also stated it will be hard for it to go to .0001 Where it should be without a reverse split. Too much speculation hype and actual news coming hopefully... Either way its Inflated and the Market always will Correct it seems. It has been A SLOW Process which I was worried of since day 1 and it will still be longer but in the end I believe LVVV made a Great Investment and the Share price has Suffered because of the Mess up in handling it and also people just simply not understanding the deals and Mostly the Outright Lies and Bad Rumors going around about LVVV/APRU started by APRU shareholders to artificially inflate the stock price trying to Cling to LVVV's Glory till we give them some of their own. This will of course happen once the name change and Hopefully a Reverse Split. There are about 9+ Billion more APRU shares due to LVVV when we convert the other 5 Million shares of APRU Super Preferred Stock. APRU has been Diluted A Lot and at least we know now more of where things stand. Not having this information out there for long, These things are Pulling LVVV down HARD and Once people understand the deal and things are on track and DONE all tickers should rally a guy would think. So where is the APRU bottom? Whats a Good Price per share?LOL.... That's the Million Dollar Question isn't it..;-) I look at it this way. With Current Market conditions It COULD go down to .0001 that's just a Fact of life... This is of no concern to Livewire and they bought in for 75% less than that. However for the Avg investor this could amount to a 75% loss and not very fun ride at that. On the other end YES a Reverse Split will come and Change the share structure of APRU its just good Business and it is Important to Establish a point that it all changed. I find it hard to believe it will drop to .0001 before the reverse split there is just too much speculation and Pumping and Dumping and Market Maker manipulation to fall there right now. Corr messed this company up Almost to the point it was not worth saving... He just may have accomplished this with RSHN and as the clock ticks down to the end of the year so does RSHN's time as a Publicly traded company. If we do not hear something about them Positive SOON that will just Disappear. There are Deadlines that MUST be met by RSHN worse than that though they have not paid their state fees in 10 years, Owe over $40,000 PLUS lost a 3 Million dollar suit.. WOW Lot's of baggage... I am sure there is some deal that will be lucrative for all parties involved that could be reached... The only question is will it happen? A reverse Split will be AWESOME Sign!!APRU was never worth the Inflated Price it was at when LVVV Took over which is why they bought it for about 4% of Market cap or so.... Without Livewire APRU was Sunk and worthless. Now a Reverse Split is Needed to clean it up. Right now people cant even choose to buy and sell at a good point. One second and the company Loses or Gains 50% Market Cap. This is Not a Gamble lots want to take. Putting the Number of shares in line and raising the share Price accordingly Would be AWESOME!! 500 for 1 would be a Great split rate Giving APRU about 44 million Shares and Should clean up most of the Convertibles next year after reverse Split or in fear of. A Reverse Split was made just for this sort of thing and will put things in Perspective I think.... ANY share price is better than this... Lets say they Bite the Bullet and went for the Full Deal and Reverse Split 2500 for 1 Giving APRU a $1 share Price AWESOME People can Better judge Value when you can Buy at $1.01 or Sell at .98 RIGHT NOW APRU IS A SCAMMERS PARADISE That's Right I said it... The people making Money are the Market Makers. If some Poor soul wants to sell $400 worth of APRU it can Swing the Entire Market Cap by 50% Utterly Pathetic Unbelievable and Not something that Attracts Serious Investors. I am sure a Reverse Split is the right move and will be enforced. Honestly the only other choice would be a Hail Mary with upping the share count available and doing a Forward Split LOL... It would be one of the most Interesting things ever done Just go 3 for 1 Split to .0001 and Whammo no more Dilution...;-) So glad i stood by what I believed!WOW... I mean really a few of the LVVV Shareholders showed their true colors and that they are a Snake in the grass! It was sick to see these Liars run out there telling lies to pump up APRU and try and make it seem like it was worth more than it was. APRU was going DOWN and I stated it as I bought it. As i Researched More and More and found about just how many Super Preferred shares there were and seen the coming Dilution that others refused to see.. I was out and I broke even THANK GOD!! These Shareholders have hurt LVVV pretty bad and it will take time to come back. They hurt LVVV by trying to Strip assets and claim them for APRU while giving No credit and not being willing to admit that LVVV would even get the shares that they got.... I have texts and messages from some of these shareholders chewing me out and telling me what I am supposed to say since I am Invested in LVVV LOLOLOL I can only Promote what I believe to be True and I look at the APRU Investment as My LVVV Investment Different than Some... I want to Value it at actual value when I talk about it Not DO what Other mods did and Promote that it was going to the moon from .006... WOW Livewire stands to gain HUGE!!
There are New Products and Big Things coming for LVVV and APRU make sure and keep an eye on the there is Buying Opportunity out there on APRU at 25% to 50% less than Market price. Research these stocks and Place your bets gentlemen! ;-) HUGE News for LVVV and APRU!!I Hope you enjoy the article.. You can visit My Websites:
http://www.1ownercarguy.com http://www.cerealmarshmallows.com http://www.Beaglespocket.com http://www.ClickWebs.com http://www.oneownercaarguy.com http://www.Hardener.com http://www.missoulaautoauction.com http://www.vita-depot.com http://www.Nathanwratislaw.com http://www.carekleen.com http://www.shotsenergy.com http://www.greycongo.com http://www.tinybeagles.com http://www.stockgambles.com And of course.. Many more from there.. ;-) ADD me on Facebook www.facebook.com/cerealmarshmallows Subscribe on YouTube http://www.YouTube.com/user/cerealmarshmallows Add me on Instagram! http://www.instagram.com/cerealmarshmallows Good Luck in ALL your Investing I wish you the best in ALL that you do! Cheers, Nathan Wratislaw |
Nathan WratislawNathan Wratislaw AKA 1 Owner Car Guy is a Business Owner that Likes to be as Innovative as possible you can find A Lot of My different Businesses under My other websites tab or click a link I have them Everywhere.;-) Cheers Nathan Wratislaw AKA 1 Owner Car Guy Archives
April 2015