7 Day Probiotic Website launch!

7 Day Probiotic is a Stand alone Product!

Stock Gambles a Nathan Wratislaw Company |
7 Day Probiotic Website launch!Livewire Ergogenics is the Company and LVVV is the Stock Ticker. Things have been Quite and it seems there is good reason! WOW Things are heating up a bit it would seem 2 New Flavors of the NEW Livewire Probiotic has hit the Market last week and it would seem that because Investors want information so badly (and rightfully so) That sometimes the product launch may not be complete and Livewire works out the kinks a bit as they go. This new Website is HOT and I believe they Can, Should and Will chase down the market for a Kids Probiotic ![]() Here is a Great Article on Probiotics by Dr. Judy Staveley. This is a Great read on Probiotics and Good Bacteria Dr. Judy is a a Expert in the field..... Click the Button Below!
7 Day Probiotic is a Stand alone Product!That's right as per the company. Yes LVVV makes many Products and has Many business Interests But this one is a Stand Alone Brand and should be pretty Interesting to see how it fits in the Mix. Make sure and visit the website today for yourself! www.7dayprobiotic.com ![]() Thanks for Reading and Check out some of My New Websites And Hemp Products By clicking the picture Above..;-)
Livewire is Now a CBD SupplierCBD is a HUGE Industry and it is a Problematic one at that. In the USA right now there is really only 1 supplier.. MJNA they have the Highest Quality CBD Extract Available on the market. Seriously No one beat Medicinal Marijuana INC when it comes to CBD... Well thats cause no one ever had enough to do anything with... It seems that has now changed. According to a New PR Jut released Livewire Ergogenics (LVVV) will now be in the CBD Manufacturing Business.
Lu'an Kaixuan Hemp Company Ltd in Anhui Province China.New Partner in China for Livewire Energy Chews Bill Hodson has struck a deal with a Major Hemp Grower in China and will now be Producing a CBD Hemp Oil. This is HUGE news in the Legal Hemp Market. At first glance... Yeah lots of places make CBD Products and Sell for a HUGE Price... Problem is you can buy from a Medicinal Supplier for as much as 95% less.. It is INSANE the Markup that MJNA is making on their RSHO. Do the math MJNA get about $600 for 2.1 or 2.4 Grams of CBD in their 21% or 24% I forget.. Either way that amount medicinally is only around $10 to $20 WOW $15 Avg vs $599 AMAZING Markup. Most ANY of the CBD Products out there now Arguably have virtually NO Medicinal Value due to using Amounts of CBD FAR Below the norm and Skimping Due to High cost.I have long Blogged about the Hemp Shortage and availability of Good Quality CBD Oil Extract. This is one of the Major things holding back this industry.... I would have had a CBD Product LONG ago if not for this simple but HUGE issue.. As CBD Becomes more Widely Available it will come down in Cost Dramatically an be more usable like Hemp Oil. This will be great since then people will be able to reap the Medicinal and Nutritional Benifits of CBD without Robbing a bank. Wholesale Herbal & Hemp Oil Private Label Website Relaunched!Private Label Herbals Website Relaunched Last Night! I have been Knee deep in Cars... yes Knee Deep and I still am. Herbal Product are what I do and I will make you ANY Nautraceutical Product Private Label and Custom Manufactured to your Specifications. Buy Your Custom Made Products now! Wholesale and Bulk Capsules, Powders, Vape Oils, Hemp Protein, CBD, Whey Protein, Herbals and Vitamins in ANY form Wholesale for your Business (Click the Picture Below for More on Private Label Herbals) Is LVVV Stock a Buy now??No clue that's your job.... Its been a Ride that's for sure and it is in a range now where people can go either way and hopefully NOT lose too much.. At the same time all of the hanging on and waiting have been for a announcement just like this... I will comment more on this later I am sure..;-) ANY way you look at it this Chinese CBD deal is HUGE news for LVVV and should be interesting to see what happens as the news makes its rounds for the next few weeks. CBD Production in China is the next logical step here in this Fiasco that is American Legalization.
LVVV News and the New Investors and Company Website is UP UP and away. No Not the Biggest news since Sliced Bread or anything like that But For SURE showing signs that Things are happening..;-) Make sure and Research LVVV Stock Soon it sure seems Cheap right now!! Also NEW Commercial to be released Saturday Night More Info here on this Blog Tomorrow!!
New Livewire Energy Machine VideoA Livewire Energy Chew Machine video is something I have wanted to have for Awhile and Here it is! I just got a hold of this Video a Few hours ago and set to uploading it ASPA and will have it all up by Midnight 07-15-2014. If You Follow this Blog or My YouTube Channel You know I like LiveWire Energy Stock and if You follow the LVVV Stock you know it is CHEAP right now and there is A LOT Going on! From new Distribution deals with Vitamin Shoppe, Medical Marijuana Inc (MJNA) and Kannaway and Many more. This next Quarters Numbers Should be looking pretty good on the 10Q and even better on the 3rd Quarters. NEW VIDEO JUST UPLOADED
LiveWire Ergogenics & Medical Marijuana Deal![]() As some may know the Livewire and Medical marijuana deal is a Pretty big thing and with the creation of Hempwire Inc makes a New deal that is Very neat for Livewire to be connected to MJNA in this way. MJNA is the Best Premium if not the ONLY Source of High Quality Hemp Oil CBD on the market. This should be a pretty interesting rest of the year for LiveWire Ergogenics! Make SURE to Visit www.Livewireenergy.com
LVVV Energy Chew Machine OTC Stock Research Drinks and ResearchHere is the Video of the Chew Machine and I had My Parrot Grey Congo along for the Ride.. Actually She is a HUGE fan of Livewire and Chews up as fast as I can finish them..;-) Check it out but MOST of all Check out the Stock Ticker LVVV and do some research! I have A Lot of stuff coming up that I will be Marketing on Livewire in the month of Aug. I am signing 3 Contracts tomorrow for some VERY Unique things..;-)
I Hope you enjoy the article.. You can visit My Websites:
http://www.1ownercarguy.com http://www.cerealmarshmallows.com http://www.Beaglespocket.com http://www.ClickWebs.com http://www.oneownercaarguy.com http://www.Hardener.com http://www.missoulaautoauction.com http://www.vita-depot.com http://www.Nathanwratislaw.com http://www.carekleen.com http://www.shotsenergy.com http://www.greycongo.com http://www.tinybeagles.com http://www.stockgambles.com And of course.. Many more from there.. ;-) ADD me on Facebook www.facebook.com/cerealmarshmallows Subscribe on YouTube http://www.YouTube.com/user/cerealmarshmallows Good Luck in ALL your Investing I wish you the best in ALL that you do! Cheers, Nathan Wratislaw Easy new Product starts off long waited 2nd HempWire ProductLivewire Energy (LVVV) and Medical Marijuana (MJNA) Have a new HempWire Product released today. YES it has been awhile you have been hearing of the CBD chew and you may have even go a free one a few months back. Great stuff and should be a Awesome product for LVVV to be making with MJNA for Kannaway and its own Subsidiary APRU. Although this news came from Livewire this product is Manufactured through Livewires 50% Owned Subsidiary Hempwire the other Half is owned by possibly the BEST name in CBD and Medicinal Marijuana Stocks MJNA. This Venture between MJNA and LVVV is just a Great deal for both companies and should profit them well. Bill has been doing a lot with Kannaway/MJNA. The setup in Manufacturing here is SO key for BOTH Companies and they seem to have hit this one on the head. By making a deal both MJNA and LVVV can benefit from the production of these CBD Chews and Its a easy Label for LVVV and MJNA to launch the same products with Much lower development costs! These Products although NOT Medicinal Marijuana are Hemp based CBD and legal in every state. so there may be a Huge appeal. BUY CBD Chews HERELearn about Kannaway HERE
Make sure and Check out LVVV & MJNA HUGE Things happening
Why is this product released through APRU?Simple... Thats the other part of Bills plan coming into action. Even though Marijuana is Legal in 2 states and CBD is Supposedly legal in Every state there is still many Legal concerns. All of the companies that have any sense Shield themselves from liability by operating through Subsidiaries. In essence doing all the work through a Shell and retaining Profits to the Parent company by maintaining Majority control of the shell and being the one in charge of all the purchase orders and prices charged for the Product. It's east to see how this plan works and that Livewire is in control... APRU cant even put out a PR and the PR for products that are made for it are Paid for and released by the parent LVVV not by APRU in fact the product is not available through any sort of Apple rush outlet There is no such thing. CBD Chews are ONLY Available on Livewires Website or Livewires Amazon account. Or of Course through the Kannaway Opportunity which also pays out commissions based on your work/sales. Hempwire has a Bright Future here and MJNA and LVVV stand to gain from their combined efforts here! It should be interesting to have LVVV and MJNA come as a Sleepers Quarter by Quarter... Seriously Almost NO ONE knows about Livewire and Not only that hardly No one knows about the Share Structure of the APRU deal and Not many people in the Stock market seem to know about Kannaway even though Facebook and YouTube is on FIRE with Kannaway! https://www.facebook.com/WeAreKannaway https://www.facebook.com/LiveWireEnergychews This will add the Asset value of APRU to the Bottom line of LVVV in the coming Quarters and not only that there is still the asset of $5 Million in Super Preferred that Livewire still has on the books worth of APRU..... But wait there's more... Livewire gets all the benefit of claiming the Revenue/Profits of APRU on Livewires Books... What a deal and what a Profitable venture for livewire once its all set up..;-) Kannaway could turn into the single biggest CBD Company in the World in the coming years. I see so much Opportunity in the MLM side of the CBD Business its Pathetic!! MJNA Seized a HUGE Opportunity by being the one to Embrace Network Marketing and Jump in like they have with Kannaway I am Glad to be a Long term Stockholder of MJNA What will Kannaway do for MJNA and Hempwire.... LOL Wow Sky is the limit here... Honestly there is just no telling how big this MLM Opportunity could get. It is a AWESOME way to market products and not only that People will look up MJNA as they Dig and find out who owns Kannaway.. Same goes for Livewire These Stocks have some things in the pipeline that should be very lucrative for stockholders of LVVV and MJNA!
Make sure and research these stocks and in the end I am sure you will be wanting to add some LVVV and MJNA to the stack..;-) Here is a PR link http://www.otcmarkets.com/news/otc-market-headline?id=16278318 News is looking good on the MJNA Deal.It does seem like Kannaway will be a Very interesting way of Marketing for MJNA and YES LVVV is Directly connected by having the Joint Venture with MJNA it is a Very neat deal and may even bring more products to the table for both companies over time. Here is the New link from MJNA http://finance.yahoo.com/news/medical-marijuana-inc-announces-first-130000985.html?.tsrc=applewf How big this deal is has NOT had time to resonate in the Public and it is a VERY undervalued Asset for moth Medical Marijuana Inc and LiveWIre Ergogenics. On 1 hand MJNA gets a Manufacturer that can easily produce products and on the other hand LVVV gets a open door to the BEST CBD commercially available!
Its a Win Win for both tickers and just one of the MANY deals Both companies are working on. These companies have HUGE plans! So we all know as well thi MOU was Completed between MJNA and LVVV and the Deal was Sealed with the Creation of HempWire Here is a Link to that http://www.medicalmarijuanainc.com/index.php/press/58-press-releases/2014-press-releases/452-medical-marijuana-inc-and-livewire-ergogenics-inc-launch-hempwire-llc This one is also Very Interesting and may have been missed by LVVV investors since it was a MJNA announcement http://finance.yahoo.com/news/photo-release-kannaway-unveils-kannakick-130000161.html
HUGE things Happening here at LVVV and I am going to try to Preserve the PR's here that are relevant going forward they get hard to find after a few months it seems..;-)
Do your Research on MJNA and LVVV I have held these Stocks for a LONG time and Really believe they could become MUCH larger players over time. LVVV and Bill Hodson are for Real!That is hard to find in a OTC Penny stock. However I have Met and Talked with Bill and other Management members Many times from LVVV and I get the feeling that they are Plugging along with Goals in mind. Sometimes things are not as quick as some think and Life may throw he curveball now and then. But Bill is in it to win it thats for sure. I really do enjoy being in on this opportunity at this early of a stage and from what i see at this time I feel I am in the right lace at the right time. IDGC or APRU Shareholder Pump and Dumps are all the Rage...Watch out for these tiny shells that use MOU's and PR's along with Shareholder organized Pump and Dumps to Promote their stock price. There are MANY of them trying to connect to the LVVV and APRU deal now as well. Sebastien DuFort With IDGC Global and PRCM with whoever is running the show there and many more have tickers that shareholder claim are connected to LVVV. on the ADIA deal Jason Combs recently started talking up a storm on I Hub after a long silence and oddly enough he is slinging mud. These are all problems that will work themselves out over time but along with it comes a bit of Pressure on LVVV stock. When Corr goes off and makes these Outlandish MOU's that I doubt he can even come through on due to current dealings with Livewire. I have spoken to Tony from APRU where Corr made the Original deal and Tony has stated he is working on getting that situation under control. I must admit with both PRCM and IDGC I looked at the tickers and did some research on them and back when they were cheaper they would have been interesting if not for the fact that they were just posting lies to promote their stock price. With this last one in gets burned game... Well I dont lay it although there may be profits to be made. As time goes on truth comes out they go down. Maybe someday they can rise on their own merit. Keep the Trash Out!![]() Right now is a VERY important time in LVVV's History and YOU need to make sure and Research and Keep straight what is and is not true.. In the past people have been talked into selling LVVV to buy APRU and that just was not a good trade off. I still Love my LVVV Stock and hope for a Bright Shiny Future I hope to see you there. I do Not own PRCM or IDGC but who knows I hear some fish do walk maybe a 10% stake is in order following a selloff ;-) Seriously though these Tickers trying to get in on LVVV as a premium in this OTC world is long played out. People are able to easily dog on PRCM as a Shell etc and they have no connection to LVVV except to make a commission by middle manning a ad... Just like Buying a Extra Value Meal at McDonald's.. Its just a Purchase not PR for PRCM as a connection and new target... And IDGC... Well thats a Mess spurred by APRU Shareholders who follow Corr and are Savvy to Shady deals and Quick buying and selling from what I see. IDGC Got a Transfer of shares from its owner who owned them since long ago and simply transferred them to his shell. Sure he gets a Free ride for awhile and likely Dilutes out in the meanwhile if possible.. What a Game this is. Thank You Everyone!A little more Below but this is just Great and I Thank ALL Subscribers Old and New! I am still 100% in & With LVVV & Bill Hodson / Tony TorgerudThere has been much that has happened since last Aug/Sept when I was Buying LVVV Hard. Mainly the Stock is up 400% minimum since the Low I bought at. I knew this was a Good one. However I believe there is SO MUCH more here to come.... Like I said SO Much has Happened with LVVV. Bill is Building a Powerhouse here and the Asset Value that has been added in the last 3-5 Months easily Equals the Fall from the High a few months ago. This is NOT a easy time for Investors here and the ones that a VERY good at Timing their buys and Sells have a lot more to gain here and could have easily made a TON in between all these numbers. Stupid or Not I have NOT sold a Single share of Livewire Ergogenics! I may sell at anytime that's My choice however I do not see that as something that is in My best interests right now. I have A Lot of stock and holdings worth a lot in many OTC smaller tickers like this and I like holding larger positions for long periods of time. I guess I am NOT so good at timing etc and I just leave my money on the Table.... Sure I could have made a Extra $300,0000 to $400,000 by selling and waiting to rebuy again... But I didnt know that at the time for sure of course... And it was not the way I Planned my investments here. I made a Commitment and when I do that I stick to it. In the coming months we shall see where this goes.
Vernacular & Rednecks & MASSIVE ProfitsI am a working Man.... Not suits although I LOVE wearing them...LOL I have in the past on this Blog and other places said what I believe in situations and taken Massive heat for it and that is just Fine with me, What I would like to do is make a few things Clear in a BIG Way. Bill and Tony give us more information than most of the Stocks out there. Some of the OTC's may give A Lot of fluff but thats not exactly what we get with LVVV... Sure You may not like everything you hear or it may make you want to hear more. But thats just NOT how it works. We get plenty. Awhile Back There was SO many Questions and people were understandably worked up. Heck most everyone myself included had questions and after the Botched Investor call... Well the Answers were at a Stop. I took it upon myself to create a "Open Letter" that combined EVERYONE'S Questions and direct it to Management. I took heat for this however that's fine I was already getting many calls a day and Countless message from My YouTube Subscribers and Misc Investors. I NEEDED to get answers cause I was taking far too much of the heat.. So why not take more I figured....LOL In placing myself in yet another Position like this with My subscribers and other Investors... I called and Asked questions too and the answers I git sometimes were late. Well here is where I am a Redneck and not only that a Investor... I get these answers and Pass them along For instance.... "Monday we will have the Answers" When that does not happen... And then a day... Then 2 Days... Then 3 Days and the a week and the 2 weeks go by.. The People are restless and they want the Answers that Now I have Promised by association or something... Well sometimes its just too much.. I have Many Businesses to run and on a daily Basis have 15-19 hours of work to complete and sometimes the mentality that we are owed answers now will get to me as well but I do NOT watch the share rice every day and worry its not how I invest. I want to make it clear that at the height of these questions when I Promised what I was Promised I said I was "Lied" to... Well I realize that on 1 hand that is offensive and I know that maybe I should have said it a different way. Tony and Bill Lying to me is 1 way of saying it. Also it didnt hapen like they planned works as well.. I said Lied though.. This is a Great example of how Pressure from calls and Emails gets to me also.. I am NOT a Company man for LVVV... I am a Investor just like anyone. On top of that I got alot of people Involved and buying shares as a Gamble at the time based on My beliefs.. I am a HUGE LVVV fan.. I still tell everyone about LiveWire and hand out chews like crazy. My point of that is.. Im just a Investor and Lie is a word in my Vernacular that I did NOT mean in such a serious way and if I was not being ran through town to be hung at the time. I would have chose a different word MAYBE... Look we are all just living life and we all say things different I said that and Did Not mean it so seriously "That Way" and hope and truly feel it should not be taken as such If Tony or Bill had told me Lies that were deceiving and Bilked us out of money I would be Angry However this is NOT what this was... This was Simple Timeline issue and with people Yelling and Screaming at me I just Threw up My hands and said "They lied to me Call them I dont know what to say But I believe" In the end I dont think of it much till someone wants to pick every word apart etc and that's fine I Stand behind what I think About APRU and With the Aprox .000026 a share that Bill paid for APRU I am LVVV'N it!!! I am Behind Bill Hodson and Tony Torgerud 100% on this deal with the APRU and RSHN Buyout. Sure I HATE what it has done to our share price. Mostly the confusion it has caused between Stockholders. I know this is a hard position that Bill has placed himself in and I back these goals and believe they will add massive value at LVVV in the Future. The APRU deal I do NOT see them adding the Massive value to APRU in the same ways. I believe that APRU is VERY Overvalued in the past months since the "Buyout" and that has Proved true.. We are getting close now thats for sure. Seeing APRU at .0003 awhile back was actually a good thing. YES I believe a Reverse Split is in order and a MUST for a stock in this position. SURE its NOT what most want to hear but these are the ones who were already fleeced by Bob Corr. Bill knew when he bought APRU the Price would fall.. How could it not?? I knew and Bill is Far more Experienced than me.. I would Buy APRU again at .0002 for Sure although I know even at .0002 there is A Lot of Downside when the Reverse Split happens. MAYBE it wont do the drop of the reverse spits but likely it will. I do Enjoy the fact that I Control so much of APRU a asset value with LVVV shares. About 200 APRU shares for every LVVV share It is a Shell.... I have been bashed for Saying that it is NOT worth much and I would like to say I am sorry.. Sorry that some do not have enough brains to see that. The Lies that have been told by the Shareholders of the Existing stock we bought out have been HUGE and there is no place for that sort of Bob Corr attitude in LVVV! There is speculation out there in the Market for sure and with the Position APRU is in They COULD go up from here but the Market Cap and everything about it is out of Whack and there is still HUGE room for a Coming Correction. I really do not care as much what APRU does in the short term it is a very interesting time there and soon there will be Products and some of the bigger Noteholders will Convert and Sell some of the older ones Obviously Have this month & will likely Continue causing ups and downs. But someday this could get a lot more interesting when Cleaned up and Disclosed I believe there is HUGE things Coming for LVVV still In fact order the NEW Icy Mint on Amazon.com..;-)
Good Luck to all!No matter what you are invested in Good Luck to you I hope you get 10,000 Times return! Thank You to Everyone who reads this Blog and Sends me all the Awesome Information and Extra Sticks to look at It is Very Much Enjoyed and I try and Respond and Often as I can THANK YOU FOR ALMOST 25,000 Subscribers on YouTube!!!It has been quite a Amazing few years on YouTube and THANK YOU for all your Views Messages and the Good times I Meet all the Time with you guys and I want to say My Subscribers are Truly my friends and I appreciate all you say and do. This week i had the Pleasure of meeting 2 of my first EVER Subscribers Mike and Judy. Mike runs the website http://www.hardcorevitals.com and if you need Protein or one of the Best Multi Vitamins around well Mike is your Guy..and is also a long time LVVV Shareholder..;-) I heard he was in vegas and Right Away changed plans so I could go to San Diego from Montana Early and meet mike and Judy! Once there They went out of their way to show me a good time and ordered up a extra bed for their Suite on a Sold out Weekend in Las Vegas.. I was going to get a room and was quoted $400+ a night LOL. They Invited Me My Dog and X wife in and we had a BLAST!!! The Hospitality and just Niceness & Friendship was AWESOME and Never will be forgotten..;-) Thanks Mike & Judy!! Special Contests Coming During July Keep an Eye out and Subscribe to be "In the Loop"
New in-depth Webpage JUST addedMarijuana Stocks dealing with Legal Medicinal Weed and Recreational as well. We all know this is a ULTRA HOT Industry and Companies are flocking to the game with cash and ideas. This is like a Gold Rush in California its HUGE!! I have written on this for a long time now and have gotten to know a lot of the players and what their angle is on this game. There are SO many companies out the and I can easily see what it is the SEC is worried about. There are SO Many scams out there in the OTC markets not even figuring Marijuana Stocks & Now with them in the Mix WOW The Scam level is Def out... Any .0001 to .05 Stock that says the words Marijuana or CBD in a PR is "King for the Day" and the Pumping and Dumping is on. If you are Lucky enough to have been sitting on a few Million shares then your "Stud for the Day" ';-)
The way the SEC went about it is pretty RUDE to say the least and it seems the wanted to hurt the Whole Industry. Let's face it the Big Corporate people Bribed and Scammed Marijuana into the Closet already once so there could be a lot of that at play here. However I tend to agree with the SEC the are a Awful lot of Scams out there. They have halted 8 Stocks in the last few months I have heard. However I also Lived through it with PHOT and That was NOT a Fun deal in the least. I believe PHOT is one of the Strongest and Best Pot Stocks out there and It got caught up somehow I have No Clue how Sucked for Me though..;-) In the End No matter if you agree Pot should be legal or not and whether you Like what I am saying here. Fact remains you NEED to Research Marijuana Stocks ASAP In Depth Marijuana Stock ArticleCompanies like Hemp INC (OTCPK:HEMP), Creative Edge Nutrition (OTCPK:FITX), Medical Marijuana INC (OTCPK:MJNA), and, up until Recently probably the Most Popular of all, Growlife (Grey Market:PHOT). Are For SURE at the Top of this Game. There are many of them Out there but they won't all Profit you Choose Wisely! I have put some of the Information I have on Quite a Few of these Marijuana Companies HERE on My Stock Gambles Website for a Awful Long time and Now I just made a HUGE new article on Seeking Alpha and am waiting to see how that process goes after going through the Approval Process etc. I am Excited about the Possibilities out there for Pot Stocks! Click Below to Read this In Depth ArticleIf you are in ANY way Interested in Pot Stocks this Article is for sure something you will want to see..;-) This Article like ALL My Articles is FREE and Not some Video of a Guy drawing that you have to wait through Click the Button below and check it out Thanks for Reading and GOOD LUCK on your Investing!!
I Hope you enjoy the article.. You can visit My Websites:
1 Owner Car Guy http://www.1ownercarguy.com Cereal Marshmallows http://www.cerealmarshmallows.com And of course My main Stock Website Stock Gambles... and many more from there.. ;-) ADD me on Facebook www.facebook.com/cerealmarshmallows Good Luck in ALL your Investing I wish you the best in ALL that you do! Cheers, Nathan Wratislaw There has been some HUGE sellers lately & Lot's of T Trades.Really is hard to know what to make of that but THAT def puts pressure on the stock. Maybe its Old Convertible debt shares being sold?? Maybe some of the Athletes the made early deals with are getting out?? Who Knows.. I do know I think Stronger hands are picking up Shares as fast as they can and once the sellers run out of shares it should be interesting at LVVV. There is A Lot in the Pipeline how it all translates into actual Products and Earnings remains to be seen but there has been some HUGE PR's and anyone who has followed Livewire Energy Stock knows... There is A Lot going on around here! Heck 1 of 3 Different Buyouts could be Finalized! Who knows! there is A LOT to wonder about and Look forward to. See More about the T Trades below..;-) The LVVV Blog has been Done for weeks now but is still PrivateI had been passing along what Tony Promised up to the last letter 3 weeks ago I posted from Tony saying that The answers would be out early the Next week.. That's like I say Over 3 weeks ago... I was Relaying what they told me. And I again passed it along believing that sure they may be a few days late but heck they would get it done right... Well NO I guess not...... I do not know what to tell anyone on this matter now.... Every Time I call there I got a Different excuse and it never comes through.. They complained they didn't want it on the their Livewire Energy website so I Suggested it be set up on Blogger till they could do different. They liked it and called Me for help doing it so I helped set it up with Tony... Its Done its Up and Its still Private... There is no more excuses now & Tony will not Answer or return My calls for a Long time. So... I dont see anything else I can do on the matter. Here is the Blog I helped Tony set up on his Blogger account. Its the LVVV Blog & it was made for this Exact purpose a few weeks ago http://livewireergogenicsinc.blogspot.com/ Everything is on there and all is ready to go. He has it in Private mode and just needs to click a button and Everyone will be able to see all of Bills wonderful answers and it has been that way for a few weeks.... They just let it sit... At one point about a week and a half ago or so Tony told me in a text that he had just simply forgotten about it and that's why he had not made it Public.... Honestly the answers were getting a bit Pathetic. They know that each excuse they give me I will give them a solution to... (except forgetting about it lol) Breaking the trust they have built with many was not good and they seem to be banking on the fact that new stockholders come along and hope that will do it. I have No Clue I know there are some awfully big believers out there Including myself and I hope they get this reversed soon. I LOVE the new Press releases I think they are Awesome... but all have dragged the stock down in the face of good. At some point maybe they deliver what they promised and it will get more back on track..... Many weeks ago I think All they had to so was follow through on their promise. They should have answered the Questions by tues As Promised 3 weeks ago..... and then the thurs PR would have Rocked our Stoxx Off..;-) and The next 2 after that etc etc Instead they have for some reason chose to let all the questions that everyone asked hang out there as if they do not matter. Maybe they are hoping the APRU deal can close and everyone forgets... Doubtful that happens... The questions are the basis of the business... People want to know Who owns the Equipment or if we pay to Contract Manufacture or Indeed own the Machine... Conflicts in Statements and 10K Filings are not easy to read for us. SOOOO Many More questions that Good people asked.... Read them again by clicking the link below. http://www.stockgambles.com/open-letters.html That MJNA and Kannaway deal should have done it!! Then the Vitamin Shoppe deal and others that I forgot this Month. I do believe that they need to clear this up to make regain Investor Confidence. I dunno.... Actually I have No Clue why someone would promise something, Get it ready then let it sit like that while the stock drops... It is wrong and it is having a effect on the stock i believe... You dont give empty Promises to everyone and shoot up in price. Simply following through would have made a difference... just 1 button he has to click... If anyone does want to see the information that they have all nice and ready to release give tony a call at the office and dial for sales or email him at [email protected] I have not been watching the stock & the board daily. To be quite honest the way management has let everyone down is Sick and Dishearting. Sure there are other Pressures but NOT .145 to .06 problems... And Certainly NOT in the face of all this actual added value.... In this case it can be traced back to 2 main things I think... #1 The APRU Deal being mishandled and not explained well enough especially after the botched conference call and #2 Not Following through on what the Promise or the reports they are required to file in a Timely fashion It follows suit for when they promise something and do not come through but show you whats in the other hand.... They did that again here 3 weeks ago and Promised to answer early the next week stalled to the end of the week promising then.... BAMMO Came out with something else.... Didn't have the desired effect either... 3 times.. Who knows I am sorry there is no response and I do Not feel like they did any of the Stockholders right by not coming through but Really Its not even worth a text from me now there will be no response. Awwww heck Im sending one anyhow..;-)
The SEC Form T or T TradeMarket maker manipulation is very rampant and there is something going on in the inside. It is Likely the MM's are trying to cover their bets or??? Is this good for the stock? That remains to be seen of course, The most important thing here is earnings and building back some of the trust that they have all but destroyed. In the OTC world these Penny Stocks go UP and they Go down. This time it is sick because it is squarely on management for screwing up the same things over and over again and not doing what they promise. Interesting how they are Just NOW starting to pop up on LVVV all of a Sudden MM's are doing something Fishy... with the T Trade or Form T from the SEC. Hope fully it's a Good thing and takes up higher. There are Many stocks out there that I have seen this on and you can see a run up no matter if anything is happening or not just based on speculation from buyers etc. Either way I found it interesting last year when I finally looked into what the "Form T" was for another penny Stock I owned. Here is the Best link I have found that explains the T Trade http://incrediblepennystocks.wordpress.com/2013/06/25/incredible-penny-stocks-what-is-a-form-t-trade/
Can LVVV Climb without answering the questions? Well sure anything is Possible. Of course it would be A Lot easier to just answer them get it out of the way.... All the things people wanted to know etc... and Move up. It Just makes no sense to answer say you have the answers and will do it... Then Fade away. This Causes mistrust and I believe Lower stock prices. I truly hope to see good news soon here and Not just good news... News that gets us some Spotlight and Reverses this Ugly Pattern. There are MANY things coming out that Just May help Q1 results here SOON Man in a few weeks and Q2 results in 3 and a half moths should help. I think Answering the questions we asked would help and More sales that Equal Earnings thats what we need now and they seem to be rolling in..;-) Do you still Believe its a Good Stock? Man there just is no short answer to that anymore for me. I really am & have been for a long time a Huge "Fan" of LVVV and I never did post on the Investors Hub Board much except April 01 or so till May 3 or so Other than that I basically stick to YouTube where my Subscribers are and am Always able to be reached on Facebook. I REALLY do believe in LVVV and I am holding Strong for Now but something just has to change here and with the way this is all ending up over the answers promised on the Open Letter, I do not know just what I will end up doing on this one that's kind of up to Management. For the meantime I have a Timeline I started with that is almost up but still a while... And I am going to stick with it for now. Good Luck to all I hope that things change for us all soon |
Nathan WratislawNathan Wratislaw AKA 1 Owner Car Guy is a Business Owner that Likes to be as Innovative as possible you can find A Lot of My different Businesses under My other websites tab or click a link I have them Everywhere.;-) Cheers Nathan Wratislaw AKA 1 Owner Car Guy Archives
April 2015