There has been some HUGE sellers lately & Lot's of T Trades.
See More about the T Trades below..;-)
The LVVV Blog has been Done for weeks now but is still Private
Well NO I guess not...... I do not know what to tell anyone on this matter now.... Every Time I call there I got a Different excuse and it never comes through.. They complained they didn't want it on the their Livewire Energy website so I Suggested it be set up on Blogger till they could do different. They liked it and called Me for help doing it so I helped set it up with Tony... Its Done its Up and Its still Private... There is no more excuses now & Tony will not Answer or return My calls for a Long time. So... I dont see anything else I can do on the matter.
Here is the Blog I helped Tony set up on his Blogger account. Its the LVVV Blog & it was made for this Exact purpose a few weeks ago
Everything is on there and all is ready to go. He has it in Private mode and just needs to click a button and Everyone will be able to see all of Bills wonderful answers and it has been that way for a few weeks.... They just let it sit... At one point about a week and a half ago or so Tony told me in a text that he had just simply forgotten about it and that's why he had not made it Public.... Honestly the answers were getting a bit Pathetic.
They know that each excuse they give me I will give them a solution to... (except forgetting about it lol)
Breaking the trust they have built with many was not good and they seem to be banking on the fact that new stockholders come along and hope that will do it. I have No Clue I know there are some awfully big believers out there Including myself and I hope they get this reversed soon.
I LOVE the new Press releases I think they are Awesome... but all have dragged the stock down in the face of good.
At some point maybe they deliver what they promised and it will get more back on track..... Many weeks ago I think All they had to so was follow through on their promise. They should have answered the Questions by tues As Promised 3 weeks ago..... and then the thurs PR would have Rocked our Stoxx Off..;-) and The next 2 after that etc etc
Instead they have for some reason chose to let all the questions that everyone asked hang out there as if they do not matter. Maybe they are hoping the APRU deal can close and everyone forgets...
Doubtful that happens... The questions are the basis of the business... People want to know Who owns the Equipment or if we pay to Contract Manufacture or Indeed own the Machine... Conflicts in Statements and 10K Filings are not easy to read for us. SOOOO Many More questions that Good people asked....
Read them again by clicking the link below.
That MJNA and Kannaway deal should have done it!! Then the Vitamin Shoppe deal and others that I forgot this Month. I do believe that they need to clear this up to make regain Investor Confidence.
I dunno.... Actually I have No Clue why someone would promise something, Get it ready then let it sit like that while the stock drops... It is wrong and it is having a effect on the stock i believe... You dont give empty Promises to everyone and shoot up in price. Simply following through would have made a difference... just 1 button he has to click...
If anyone does want to see the information that they have all nice and ready to release give tony a call at the office and dial for sales or email him at [email protected] I have not been watching the stock & the board daily. To be quite honest the way management has let everyone down is Sick and Dishearting.
Sure there are other Pressures but NOT .145 to .06 problems... And Certainly NOT in the face of all this actual added value.... In this case it can be traced back to 2 main things I think... #1 The APRU Deal being mishandled and not explained well enough especially after the botched conference call and #2 Not Following through on what the Promise or the reports they are required to file in a Timely fashion
It follows suit for when they promise something and do not come through but show you whats in the other hand.... They did that again here 3 weeks ago and Promised to answer early the next week stalled to the end of the week promising then.... BAMMO Came out with something else.... Didn't have the desired effect either... 3 times.. Who knows I am sorry there is no response and I do Not feel like they did any of the Stockholders right by not coming through but Really Its not even worth a text from me now there will be no response. Awwww heck Im sending one anyhow..;-)
The SEC Form T or T Trade
Interesting how they are Just NOW starting to pop up on LVVV all of a Sudden MM's are doing something Fishy... with the T Trade or Form T from the SEC. Hope fully it's a Good thing and takes up higher.
There are Many stocks out there that I have seen this on and you can see a run up no matter if anything is happening or not just based on speculation from buyers etc. Either way I found it interesting last year when I finally looked into what the "Form T" was for another penny Stock I owned.
Can LVVV Climb without answering the questions?
Well sure anything is Possible. Of course it would be A Lot easier to just answer them get it out of the way.... All the things people wanted to know etc... and Move up.
It Just makes no sense to answer say you have the answers and will do it... Then Fade away.
This Causes mistrust and I believe Lower stock prices.
I truly hope to see good news soon here and Not just good news... News that gets us some Spotlight and Reverses this Ugly Pattern. There are MANY things coming out that Just May help Q1 results here SOON Man in a few weeks and Q2 results in 3 and a half moths should help. I think Answering the questions we asked would help and More sales that Equal Earnings thats what we need now and they seem to be rolling in..;-)
Do you still Believe its a Good Stock?
Man there just is no short answer to that anymore for me. I really am & have been for a long time a Huge "Fan" of LVVV and I never did post on the Investors Hub Board much except April 01 or so till May 3 or so Other than that I basically stick to YouTube where my Subscribers are and am Always able to be reached on Facebook. I REALLY do believe in LVVV and I am holding Strong for Now but something just has to change here and with the way this is all ending up over the answers promised on the Open Letter, I do not know just what I will end up doing on this one that's kind of up to Management. For the meantime I have a Timeline I started with that is almost up but still a while... And I am going to stick with it for now.
Good Luck to all I hope that things change for us all soon