7 Day Probiotic Website launch!

7 Day Probiotic is a Stand alone Product!

Stock Gambles a Nathan Wratislaw Company |
7 Day Probiotic Website launch!Livewire Ergogenics is the Company and LVVV is the Stock Ticker. Things have been Quite and it seems there is good reason! WOW Things are heating up a bit it would seem 2 New Flavors of the NEW Livewire Probiotic has hit the Market last week and it would seem that because Investors want information so badly (and rightfully so) That sometimes the product launch may not be complete and Livewire works out the kinks a bit as they go. This new Website is HOT and I believe they Can, Should and Will chase down the market for a Kids Probiotic ![]() Here is a Great Article on Probiotics by Dr. Judy Staveley. This is a Great read on Probiotics and Good Bacteria Dr. Judy is a a Expert in the field..... Click the Button Below!
7 Day Probiotic is a Stand alone Product!That's right as per the company. Yes LVVV makes many Products and has Many business Interests But this one is a Stand Alone Brand and should be pretty Interesting to see how it fits in the Mix. Make sure and visit the website today for yourself! www.7dayprobiotic.com ![]() Thanks for Reading and Check out some of My New Websites And Hemp Products By clicking the picture Above..;-)
Will LVVV or ANY Particular Stock Ticker have a good 10Q?A good 10Q huh WOW Now that's a good one you have a Crystal Ball?? There really is just no way to know there are far too many variables. Not only that other things may also pressure a stock like the Overall market of Who knows?? I am looking at one of My Larger holdings wondering this Exact same thing.. And Really I dunno. It really sucks to stand out from the crowd and be looking at things rationally... However with this particular Stock the 10Q could be Very Mixed to say the least... As a Matter of fact I wholly Expect a NT-10Q from Livewire Ergogenics (LVVV) and possibly Apple Rush (APRU) it just Depends on what they put on the Quarter Reports and what they save for the Yearly Report..;-) I have had a VERY Long approach with LVVV Stock and had I been more of a "Trader" I would be up a Heck of A Lot more right now thats for sure. That said with all that Livewire Ergogenics seems to have going on as of late it seems like it is a STEAL! I would NEVER tell someone Buy this Stock or anything of the sorts... However LVVV Stock deserves to be looked into at least..;-) New deals should Add Revenue!There are MANY New deals that have been struck There have been reports. It is still not known to us just what will be finished and on these Quarterly Reports & What will be left for the Yearly but we have seen that there have been some Massive Changes that should be very interesting to see the result of. I am sure of 1 thing.. There will likely be something in there someone will hate. The APRU Stock Takeover of 2013Apple Rush and RushNet Or APRU and RSHN Whether you like the deal or not... It happened and is "Official" now no 2 ways about it. APRU is By no means a DONE deal. There was Massive Debt that had to be Exchanged for New Convertible Debt. We still do NOT know what this actually cost APRU. We know people were throwing around the Numbers .05 cents or .10 cents on the Dollar. I believe if this were the case we would have already known. Bill Promised this would be taken care of BEFORE the deal was official.. As any Business would. We have NOT heard how much for and I do NOT believe a deal was reached for anywhere near .05 cents on the Dollar. Were talking about many Millions in Debt here this Amount being LOW would be a HUGE PR so you can bet your last Nickel it was Not a Nickle. This Final Number will play on the Price of APRU at some point it would seem. It will have to be figured in somehow for APRU Hanging in Limbo Right Now APRU is just hanging in Limbo and NOT releasing ANY of the Information and I really wonder if this will change with the 10Q. Sure there is Information we would Like to know and there is ever Information that they Could Share.. We have no clue what will be in those reports though... There are many thing that they will be able to hold off until the 10K... Let me say that Again. Many Things may NOT show up in the 10Q for LVVV or APRU. Yup.... Makes me sick to think we could have to wait even Longer but that is a for SURE Possibility!! Not that this is bad in the Long term of things but it could cause a shakeout of more weak Investors etc. LVVV of course Files Quarterly 10Q Reports and Annual 10K Reports like any Public non pink company. With this in mind there are MANY Different Accounting Practices and Ways of doing things. I am starting to think that this just be the case here and we will be waiting 3-6 Months longer to know the Many things we would like to know. All in all i expect a Overall Positive 10Q and I cant wait to do some reading. What about RushNet (RSHN)Indeed.. What about them... We hope they can get something done for them. However the Clock is Ticking and it is happening fast. For Rushnet to even keep a Publicly Traded Status they must come up with $40,000 by the end of the year there is MUCH that can be said on this. And there is MUCH that NEEDS to be done. However the "Rush" to talk about this one can wait for Now... Even though there is Great Need at RSHN It is Unlikely that much can be done at the Present.. APRU will likely get Funds first and of course LVVV and Adia Nutrition (ADIA). It would be Most likely the Work and the Funds will Support LVVV and APRU Before it can be spread out to ADIA and RSHN. No matter how you slice it though Bill has a Lot of Irons in the Fire and its getting warm.. Huge things ahead I am hoping..;-) Thanks for reading and make sure and research LVVV if you have not.. If you have well Keep a eye on it.;-) Make sure and check out all the New Livewire Energy Chews Videos & Ad's on the NEW Subscriber Website. Click the Can Soup Logo below
It's all about TimingStock Splits and a Reverse Split can happen at ANY time and for Many reasons. Financial or Personal As a Ploy or as a Tool. Yes the Stock Market is full of loopholes and Tricks or Tools to impact stocks in many ways some good some bad. In fact some things that are good for 1 Company may be Wrong for or Bad for another company. WOW..... That's the way it goes though No matter how similar they may seem each stock is different and has Metrics and such that have to be carefully examined by management for every step or they will miss Opportunity. Forward Stock Split on Shares And Reverse SplitsHow your Investment will fare all depends mostly on how strong of a Value the company has to begin with the reverse split does not change ANYTHING about the Value of your shares either way they will be the exact same by scale. One of the Major reasons that people believe that a Reverse Split makes a stock go down is Timing and just when the companies do it. There is A LOT more to it than just simply Adjusting the Number of shares. The Big thing Reverse Splits accomplish is they Clean up companies from Noteholders who want to sell either way. They dont care if they sell at .0003 or at .73 after a Split either way they are selling. The stock is only worth what its worth.. It will go up or down either way just splits Forward or Reverse have perks. They are a way for companies to take control of their shares and Increase their value over time! With companies like APRU that have Large amounts of Convertible debt it is going to hurt a lot less if we can get them out around a Split instead of now They could Crash APRU to No Market and hold it down in the Dumps with no action for Years unless Changes are made at the right times which Protects the Company as much as possible. This is a VERY Good Article on Reverse Splits. http://www.essortment.com/financial-definitions-stock-splits-reverse-stock-splits-52101.html As Message Boards get all Crazy one must ChuckleIt is almost funny how predictable people are. They Make the same pumps over and over and anyone who has been around long enough Knows they are buying and selling or if the Person is a True Long in companies. Either way the Boards are a Place for opinions and now personal attacks and suck it's funny how when peoples lies are exposed how angry they get..LOL Either way if I am going to type it I may as well put it here and keep it for all.. Below are a few Posts about Reverse Splits and the Like that I will post in both places. Here is a Chart of LVVV Before the APRU TakeoverHere is a Chart of LVVV After the Takeover.That makes it VERY Obvious what happened WOW APRU is just Floating Shell till it's SalvagedJust like a Project car getting restored. Since they are Connected I am 100% behind both Stocks. One of the only Problems is the Actual Value of APRU and Including the $5 Million in Super Preferred Shares it Hands APRU a Market Value of Nearly $12 Million or Nearly 200% the Price of the Parent Company... Crazy talk not only that were dealing with a Shell that Bill paid less than $400k for. Between 50 million APRU shares Dumped at .0001 and .0002 and Odd trades Buying Just .38 cents of stock in a Purchase it is Obvious there is MUCH to shake out over there... There is A billion shares from past debtors that will weigh on the stock and it is a Market Makers Playground as the Buy at .0001 and slowly make 200% on Pumps and Mislead Investors. Its not a Question of IF a Reverse Split with APRU its a Question of when... We know thats a Timing thing and will be when they can shake out the Optimum number of shares Before and After the Split... It really makes no difference if APRU falls Before or After the Coming Reverse Split either way is Good for LVVV Livewire paid only .000026 or so for APRU Bill knows that APRY was not worth .003 or even .0003 if it was Livewire wouldent have paid so little Fact is Livewire Paid just under $400,000 for 77% or APRU & has a $5 Million dollar Note from APRU due upon demand as well. The share price today reflects LVVV paid about 94% less for 77% of the Company There is No need to sit around and try and Prop up a share price like this.. APRU Printed over 16 Billion extra shares for Livewire and there is No need to Misrepresent their Value here No way those shares are worth any more than $1 Million Flat out The Note is Worth MAYBE a Extra $500,000 Hopefully once Dilution hits so 1.5 mil off of $400k is not to shabby. Once APRU reaches a Fair Value it will be nice to see growth there As it is now they cannot even Accept payment without using Livewires accounts. There is MUCH work to do there and as it is done we should see value added to both stocks however trying to overvalue APRU is Not smart for Investors. As it is Now The Stock that LVVV owns in APRU is worth almost 2 Times the Market value of LVVV.. The sooner things fall in line the better. A reverse Split will not happen at APRU till the Timing is right. They must shake out as much Old Debt Before And After the Split as possible. I am Confident they Will Time it as needed... This is likely one of the reasons Why we see no sales through APRU and its all being sent through LVVV... APRU is just a Floating shell for now... Over time it will get some PR's here and there and there will be pumps and all sorts of fun stuff meanwhile... Its Important to remember LVVV only gave up about $400k for the APRU and RSHN Investments and it is NOT too much cost considering all. It should be interesting... However the Faster APRU gets to a Real Value and not a Pumped inflated value the better... Just Real Products Real Sales and True Increases in Assets are needed here & there. Shell Company Issue Shares Reverse Split Merger Buyout A/S O/S VideoHere is what the SEC says about Reverse Splits.http://www.sec.gov/answers/reversesplit.htm A Overvalued Asset helps LVVV none! To boot No one is fooled by a incorrect value. Even If all the internal work is done at LVVV and APRU is done for this Quarter on the Buyout and we get to see it... Still APRU would be Overvalued to closing of that quarter which is Much higher than it should be. People will read the reports and check it out they will know. And along those lines its Obvious APRU is Overvalued by far since the parent is worth like 40% less even with its assets taken into account. If this was actual value than 16 Billion Shares of APRU = about 5 Million + $5 Million Super Preferred WOW LVVV would own More APRU stock than the Entire Market Cap of EITHER Company... It will all level out and be taken into account it will just be a Much Smoother process at a Share price that does not cause panic with each and every trade. It does not really matter if APRU Falls in this side or that side of a Reverse Split or After the Reverse Split. The Dilution is coming when the New Debt is Unlocked in the coming months and as we can see the old debt is Unloading at .0001 and .0002 as fast as possible. A reverse Split will allow Companies & Investors to Buy or sell without Pushing the Stock Up or Down by 33% to 50% over Trades that do not and should not effect the stock.... What was it today on the first APRU trade a 1266 buy at a total investment of .38 cents WOW they only have to make 31 times their investment to make Money there.... Come on.... Thanks for reading Enjoy and heres to a Bright Future for ALL the LVVV Companies!! Buy LVVV Livewire Energy Chews Stock News Funny Clown LOL VideoHow Series C and Preferred Shares are used in OTC Companies.Float increases Although NOT as important as Outstanding share Counts and Shares that are actually Issued. They do stand out to a guy! Whats gonna happen WHY the Increase etc. Hands down there can be MANY reasons why this can happen and with a OTC ticker even if it's NOT a Pink Sheet stock there is NOT usually much News. Some Companies really try and Connect and Give their Reasons and such Others just Slap it on as the see fit and others Yet seem to Bring the "Iffy" News at the Times when you were hoping for a Rally. Companies with series C or most Any "Special" Class of shares will come with "Special" Voting rights on the Stock that make a Regular shareholders vote not a concern anyways. These are not truly Public companies they are in a Iron Grip of a few people and this is a Known fact going in. The hope is... Well You get your own hopes up... It is good to know its NOT all bad with lot's of companies. No way to spin it!These shares have NOT been Issued they are just available if need be. However when they are issued restricted of not they count to the Outstanding shares. Yeah a Investor can talk about it being "Locked up" or say that they will not count because the company will only trade them as Restricted. Well Stone the messenger here but that does not matter one bit. I feel it is Important as a Investor to figure your holdings from a TRUE Value perspective and I guess the point here is this NO NEW SHARES WERE ISSUED! The Available share count was raised by 33% The Previous Shares added Value! Shell Company Issue Shares Reverse Split Merger Buyout A/S O/S Video below Check it Out!
Previous Shares used for Asset PurchaseIn the case on Livewire Ergogeics or Livewire Energy Chews We know for a fact that they are changing the Available Shares Partly due to Major Purchases and Partnerships they have started This & Last Quarter. We knew they would have to increase this Number soon as the had already has 134 of 150 Issued and the APRU deal to boot so they were almost maxed out. There is at least the need for a bit of a buffer and According to many ways of thinking this was needed. Hempwire deal & othersThe Hempwire deal used up some of the last shares as did the APRU deal You can see the disclosures for that in the MJNA 10Q released earlier this month. these deals will Grow the bottom line and Asset value of LVVV and to Boot this deal with Medical Marijuana is Very Important to long term sale of CBD to Livewire I think MJNA is the #1 way to go in Quality Hemp Oil! The APRU / RSHN deal should also add to the Bottom Line Asset value of LVVV starting this Quarter. This has not showed up before and with APRU leveling out down towards a real Value its a GREAT Sign and once some of the Convertible Debt (Old & New) is shaken out over the Next year or so it should start being a good asset for Livewire and Interesting on its own I would think. Even the people who Own APRU Stock now know they are only in it Short to medium Term. and it's because they also know there is a Reverse Split coming and just like the Noteholders many of them will abandon ship as well. Only time will scrub this Asset and although some "Fluffy" PR's May be coming out I look for there not to be much in the way of earnings at APRU anytime soon.... Why in the Heck would they Entice Convertible Noteholders to stay? In any Takeover in control the Goal i to shake any other debt and increase value. If it works LONG term Investors will Profit if not it will just hang and wait for the next "Deal" where LVVV can Profit Another way... They have MANY Irons in the Fire! APRU will add lot's of Value once Managements plan comes full circle. Buy LVVV Livewire Energy Chews Stock Commercial Funny Clown VideoThis Commercial began Playing on Sunday and will continue through August. Clown is crazy for Livewire Energy Chews. Check out the stock ticker and see what he is talking about or check out my website for more info on ordering or becoming a distributor. Thank You for watching and please Share MORE Commercials on the New Website Below Make sure and Check it Out!Click the Cansoup Logo below to see more..;-) Wild Rides are the most fun sometimes!Pick Your Horse.... Buy a Saddle... Go riding!
I Hope you enjoy the article.. ADD me on Facebook www.facebook.com/cerealmarshmallows Subscribe on YouTube http://www.YouTube.com/user/cerealmarshmallows Add me on Instagram! http://www.instagram.com/cerealmarshmallows Good Luck in ALL your Investing I wish you the best in ALL that you do! Cheers, Nathan Wratislaw |
Nathan WratislawNathan Wratislaw AKA 1 Owner Car Guy is a Business Owner that Likes to be as Innovative as possible you can find A Lot of My different Businesses under My other websites tab or click a link I have them Everywhere.;-) Cheers Nathan Wratislaw AKA 1 Owner Car Guy Archives
April 2015