Come on in, Have a Apple Rush, Go into a death Spiral..
The share Structure and Every Question asked are all possible reasons why the share price is lower... Understanding Share Structure especially with the APRU deal has been the most asked question.
We knew from the start APRU would fall just we STILL dont know how far..... When a Company issues 60% more stock at .00005 or so it kind of makes it worth A LOT Less A LOT... That's assuming its worth anything to begin with.. With APRU Its Not worth the paper its printed on when we arrived. LVVV has done a lot to raise this but still if LVVV walks there is less than no Value in APRU.
APRU is a Junk worthless Stock...
For all the talk the APRU pumpers do at this point on 05/06/14 at 12:24 in the afternoon 36 mins from the close of market about $22,000 worth of LVVV has traded and about $600 worth of APRU has traded today... Even on the 7th on a UP day still we are talking under $4,000 in APRU its Junk... Unless Bill Succeeds and we go through the lengthy Process of Rebuilding after Diluting it to Cover prior Debt.
All you have to do is listen to the uneducated comments the APRU investors put out there to see that they are for the most part just
A Suitor like Livewire Ergogenics is the ONLY thing that will Ever make a Empty Misused shell like APRU worth anything again. The ones Promoting it are simply out to profit on their past investment many have sat waiting for YEARS to Unload this worthless APRU stock. The small fry are trying to make a big score by lying about a worthless stock. There are a few that are just stuck or have made their bets and that different they are not the ones calling for $3 + share prices and Posting Links to trademarks LVVV or APRU does not own either. There is hope of course Just its all for a New company New ticker New share structure the whole deal. It will take time and will be interesting when its done Either way..
If LVVV walks APRU Crashes and LVVV Skyrockets! If LVVV does takeover and Dilute APRU to dismiss debt AND/OR Reverse Split same Deal LVVV Up APRU Down... Its like Pushing a Reset Button for APRU then we can do some Business & see it all grow.
Right now there is A lot of worry as to how this affects LVVV... Well Quite Simply there is No real Bad way for it to affect LVVV except all the lies and Misinformation about the deal which puts Doubt out there & Drags down the Stock.
LVVV Needed a Shell to Shied itself and Separate the CBD and "Other" Business. Its a Great setup Unless you actually are Invested in APRU Before The Actual takeover.. This happens and since management could not afford to lock up the outstanding stock on this one as MJNA did with CANV and AXIM That is MUCH cleaner and Allows for the deal to be Structured Properly.
A deal Like we got on APRU leaves Current shareholders Swinging in the wind. There is no value there No income and No Money.. Why the Hell else would it be so damn cheap. There are plenty of deals out there on Shells that's no doubt why APRU? Who Knows Who cares its a Stock that at BEST should be worth .0001 at this time and anything over that is mostly just Speculation and Manipulation.
There is only about 500 Million shares out on APRU that are avail to trade TOTAL The rest is Robert Corr and Preferred & Large Shareholders.
About $325,000.00 in all able to trade WITHOUT Figuring Longs who bought in at .0001 who are holding on for now
LOL Thats OK LVVV Bought at almost HALF of that so we are ALL good on that end.... In Fact LVVV is worth MORE for this deal and one HUGE reason that LVVV share price has fallen so much is LVVV investors who Bought into APRU or LVVV Investors that Believe the Lies and Misinformation being Spread by APRU Stockholders.
This is where Most of the Hype comes from people who bought in on APRU at.0001 and .0002 PUMPING for all they are worth. And people who want to take advantage and Push the stock up since it is such a Shallow pool & Easily manipulated.
Earlier this morning (May 06 2014) I had a Subscriber say that looks like they had a hayday on Blaming life on "Yeardman" on IHUB... LOL I havent signed in for about 3 days or so but am pretty sure where that is coming from. Its all good.. It's one way I know im a Bawler... I have Haters LOL Thanks guys and girl...;-)
There are 2 Major things dragging this stock down right now
The fact Management is Slow to do things at times. and
The biggest is having the APRU Weight around our neck.
As soon as LVVV Dilutes the hell out of APRU to get rid of the debt does a Reverse Split OR figure out it wont happen and walk the better off LVVV will be!
Right now its a work in Progress and We MUST Clean up Debt and Shady Corr People. I knew it would be a Pain in the Ass from the start and It has been even worse. The APRU Stockholders mostly injured shills who have lost their butts, Some are Great people and some bought in at just the right time. Now it is all up in the Air we shall see someday I guess..;-) Most of them (Not All) just want it any way they can get it OR Bought in at bottom and are now lying their Asses off to try and get that Pop anyway they can.... It's all at LVVV's Cost as I have always said... We are separate and will be until a deal is made... YES It would Be AWESOME to be DONE with this deal!! That would be HUGE news! Why would LVVV go down on Kannaway and Vitamin Shoppe news?? LOL Simple....
APRU... That is LVVV's biggest Problem in a Nutshell
This can't be how this was planned...
Well you can do as some have and SELL Run Bail etc etc..
You could Double down and get really place some bets...
You could just sit tight and ride it out.
In the end only YOU can decide what to do. Everyone that is here and Angry now were happy and content at .11 to .14 without APRU Since it does Truly add value to the balance sheet of LVVV I believe that makes us worth more. The fact that LVVV is 50% owner of HempWire is a HUGE deal and the new Vitamin shop account... ummmm WOW.. Still we fall to HALF of out high.. WOW.
That's just Crazy talk... Do Your research make your choices and Good Luck to You I can say I Hold my Position and Will continue to believe in Bill and Tony and that they are trying... I know they say it really nicely...
Why no response to the Open Letter yet?
Until shareholders as a Whole demand Management stick to what they say and call BS when they don't... This will continue...
The manner in which LVVV releases the response will be unique according to the email i got from Tony and Posted. There are Legal issues not only in What & How they answer the questions but also How or If it is connected to APRU.
#1 We do NOT need APRU Questions on the Livewire Energy Website that would not be wise at this point unless its a Done deal..... The APRU Deal could all fall apart tomorrow... So once again APRU is Holding LVVV back... I Really wish we did have answers NOW but i still believe we WILL.. Although its been a week longer than promised... Thats Just the way it goes sometimes..
Things often take longer than we want them to...
In the end the sooner this is done the sooner LVVV can start marketing CannaBliss & CannaRush Or Move on and Market a diff name if we walk.. Its all simple stuff but we are in a holding pattern here over the APRU deal no doubt about it. We have been caught up in the mess that Bob Corr made for too long now and I am hoping for some Speedy Choices.
Good Luck with the Choices You make..;-)
The IHUB Connection
It's all a HUGE Expensive Chess game.. I know the players & know what will happen with information just as others do... I know good & well if I tell So & So something He will run off and tell Tony on me...
However Some are also rattling cages.. Whether they do or dont share that info on IHUB seems to depend. It is such a Crappy way to get or disseminate Information. One Investor makes a post and it gets copied and pasted all over multiple tickers with opinions added etc and pretty soon it does not even have the same meaning. .. Yeah I played that in Kindergarten as well....
Last thing I read was on Saturday when people from APRU were sharing Trademarks on IHUB that are owned and filed By Robert Corr or Family members... Claiming More BS about APRU... these are NOT Owned by APRU or RSHN... Fact is the companies only own a few trademarks as of last month 1 Corr or another was still registering New trademarks and It looks like Someone will compete and set up a new shop somewhere else or expects this deal to go south... Who knows.. I have no clue all I know is there are well over 100 Trademarks with the Corr Names on them.. I think we get about 5 or 6 of them... Pretty interesting to see what this guy has in store this time around.
I have Never been big in posting In IHUB and I did post A Lot for about 5 weeks.
However opening messages from people who just have no clue and taking the time to read and respond is just not worth anyone's time....
Really I have seen some of the most retarded postings EVER come for 3-5 Regulars of APRU.. Hilarious to say the least.... Right now the only thing that matters is LVVV.... If per chance a deal is reached and the Ball is Rolling that may change things... At that point.. No matter what the day to day is APRU is just Grossly "Overspeculated" & carries a Much inflated price Go for it if you must... Just research the risk
There are lots of people I have met and know now and have even sent to IHUB that I consider friends.. If this is You Message me on Facebook or YouTube anytime I enjoy talking...;-)