We Have News things are heating UP!!
I REALLY have to study things out to be able to back them! Saying that I BELIEVE and cannot WAIT to see whats Next!! for LVVV and APRU
You want Answers? ASK
I ONLY want to be a Positive force in life and I have been asked WHY I put the Questions I did in My last post.. Am I "Against" this deal? NO I am Frustrated I dont have anything to Market at this point LOL I dont Exactly have all the things it takes to make any Content and say something about this just yet I am days from that when Bill releases Facts etc There is NO WAY Any of us can really be Against this Deal WE DONT KNOW THE PRICE!!! Not knowing the Price and not knowing what the Financial Status is Really about makes it hard for any of us to say anything SO I just Say I BELIEVE while at the same time Putting the Questions YOU the Investors I know Forward. I am Not Mr Stock Pumper and I want that Known If I didnt believe in Bill and the Product and Company I WOULD SELL WHAT O COULD AND WALK AWAY BEFORE THE CLOSE OF THE MARKET!!! and I would have this Blog up saying to do the same. I have stock in over 250 companies and I believe in most of them still in some form BUT NOT LIKE I BELIEVE IN LVVV This one is Different! | |
On My Car Website 1 Owner Car Guy I List My cars and in Videos on My YouTube Channel I am able to OPENLY Show any and ALL Flaws in the Car! This is as Up front as it gets and sometimes in the Investing world Everything is NOT so Crystal clear.Not only are there Trade secrets and Clientsd to protect there are also SEC Rules and Suck to consider as well. With LVVV It is Nice to Have Bill in Charge Especially with his Background. The New Deal with APRU is Unique in many ways and We do NOT Understand this yet in any way and at this point we are NOT meant to. All of these sorts of dealings are NOT public and Sometimes We want too much and Myself included just feel NOT in the know. This is a thing that MUST be overcome in ANY stock here in Penny Land it is even More Important in the long run because We could Profit more than EVER if we wait it out. It takes Faith... BLIND FAITH at Times but that is what it takes
Should i sell I AM NOT SELLING I am Investing MORE!! I sometimes get so many calls and questions in a day that I am not able to work on My own Businesses enough. I have SOME answers I have A Lot of Opinions But Really what it all boils down to is until everything is set in stone and Bill has all the issues Handled It would Hurt the Deal to reveal too much Information to the Public. Bill will always Stick to the book and do the right thing and at the same time some things have to be more Private like between LVVV and APRU until Finalized!
I WANT TO KNOW MORE and I just like YOU will know more as Soon as is Humanly Possible! NOW is NOT the time to lose faith! I believe the LONG Investors here will see Gains like we never dreamed of! Trust in Bill it is Important that we are behind him!
Come on You cant just Hover over that Price Everyday and Worry about it. We have to believe enough to Stay the coarse and Move ahead. We will Know when we know right Now We know that we have a Possible deal that includes a TON of Stock that we can trade through as a Marijuana Company! This is HUGE call it a Shell if you will We really have to wait for the cleanup and announcement from Bill on this one and i think in a few weeks we will know A Lot more. Meanwhile AGAIN If there is Something You think Bill should know. And AGAIN I AM NOT SELLING!!! I BELIEVE
I KNOW Everyone Dont know whats up and I have a ROUGH idea as I hinted to in My last Blog I have some Really good Opinions on this I think and honestly I just HATE typing and it takes me forever so May just livestream and Give My opinions and such there and See if I cant get Tony or Drug Doctor to do a G+ Hangout with me there..;-)
Good Luck Everyone and again I cant say enough I have questions JUST LIKE YOU and I am THE WORST at Asking them Blunt Rude and just not Proud of me But We all will know just as soon as we know GIVE BILL TIME!!!
Feel free to call me 406 544 6919
I want to hear what their investors say as well!!
Remember You can sell Livewire Energy Chews Visit
Also I will Blog Pics of the New Headquarters on Livewire Energy Chews Website
Nathan Wratislaw AKA 1 Owner Car Guy