Livewire Energy LVVV Shares and APRU Buyout Causes Questions.
We Need a done deal We need news on these deals... If they give a date for completion they should at least give a Excuse at some point odds just say it has to be getting closer... You just wait... Once LVVV does This and that and this and that and if this and that happen as planned and we happen to....
Thats just it though APRU is Worthless unless LVVV does everything and wipes APRU's Ass Nice and Neatly.... Anything is Valuable if you Clean it up and Remodel it enough... Wherever we put that effort into will be Awesome however Even if the new venture is Successful its still a min of 3-6 months behind LVVV and will have a lot longer wait to show profit.
Its not that there Cannot be Value in APRU it is simply that LVVV must build it and in this case rebuild on many things & that takes time. People want to hear news of some sort especially when its promised.
There really has been a shakeout....And Yes I & many others have lost an Insane amount of "Paper Value" WOW Kinda sick... It is the way it goes though.
Will LVVV Recover?
Well I sure hope so. Its a bit hard for me to tell anyone what to buy it all depends on what you hold and all that. I can say I cant believe its this low and there is no real Rhyme or Reason.... Seems Oversold in a Panic sale or something to that degree. However I am NOT going to Cheer lead and Scream what a steal it is at this point, Management has said they have answers to questions that have been asked by shareholders but are weeks overdue at responding. That is Not good and does not leave much a person can say... If they cant say anything good about the Questions and such everyone has how can I? Its just Not Possible Until they Clear up some things it will be tough.
Should you Buy LVVV?
Well that is the Magic question isnt it?? LOL I cant tell someone what to buy. I know what I beieve which is that it is oversold. You will have to decide what to do.
Should You sell LVVV?
Again I cant answer that for you... It sure would not seem smart at these levels though.... Especially after sticking in there this long.
Should you buy APRU??
This is the same answer as the LVVV answer. I am sorry but No one can tell you that sort of thing on penny sticks like this. Its a Great Stock Gamble at some point I am sure. If not for so many Ifs it would be even better but hopefully those Problems will be taken care of at some point.
Should you Sell APRU?
WOW I dont know about that I guess it would depend on where you bought in at and Where you want out at. Sure would seem like you came a long way to leave the party now...
It wont be Much longer....
It's Pretty serious now... It is getting to be time that they HAVE to say SOMETHING. Not much more people will put up with.. And just the Odds man there HAS to be something soon.
News is an a as Needed to release basis it would seem.... I make at least 1 Video Everyday and at any given time am ahead of myself by a week or so and can issue videos with control... The same goes for PR and News releases... I believe that they have things just sitting and they will bring something up soon.... At the very least they have the answers that they say they had ready i guess we just wait.
How Strong will it be.. LOL I dunno... LVVV had 3 PR's that I thought were rather large in April and we last our asses at LVVV.
At some point in this mess APRU will stop falling IF LVVV takes control. If this happens LVVV will see asset value added we should see results.. Will be interesting to see if we sell APRU Hempwire or?? also maybe even loan them funds to make product who knows.. Thats just the issue its 5 weeks longer than when they said the deal would close with no announcements.. I feel they will say something about something soon...;-)
The only way the APRU mess can be cleaned up is a DONE Deal.... A deal is made with Debtors.... Getting Products and Sales... I still hope something can be done & This deal can he salvaged.
If Bill and Tony can close this deal it should be nice times next year.
Have we reached the Bottom??
With APRU I really dont know the Speculation and Manipulation is Rampant on APRU and is still overvalued in the state its in. According to all sense of value and timing which should def be behind that of LVVV... I may have a nice bid in at .0003. If Bill can close the deal or announce a done debt deal that may change things as well. Amazingly Good news always changes everything.
There is A Lot of Value that LVVV will be building in whatever New Shell LVVV Happens to make a finalized deal with and I sure hope we are close on this one.. And I sure do think that was bottom yesterday for LVVV...;-)